ImpeachmentWatch Day 21 (2008-06-30)

banned from Daily Kos

syndicated at

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 21 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

Rep. Dennis Kucinich is apparently the only member of Congress who is actually doing his job of representing the people. Earlier this month he sponsored articles of impeachment against George W. Bush citing “unprecedented abuse of executive power” for all the blatant illegalities, lies and violations that have occurred during his presidency.

Impeachment Video of the Day

Anonymous calls for the Impeachment of President Bush

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable wouldn’t be as useful as waiting for Barack Obama to maybe become President so he could maybe investigate Bush then.

This is something that most people were never taught in history class. Instead, anyone receiving a public education in the U.S.A. is told that the Roman Empire collapsed because it was attacked by barbarians and “sacked.” This supposed “sacking” did take place, but it happened about 500 years after the Praetorian guards sold the empire to a senior Senator, convinced by his wife and daughter “and his parasites…that he deserved the throne.”

But what will happen if Kucinich’s 35 Articles of Impeachment quietly die in judiciary committee and the crimes of the Bush regime are not investigated? If the Bush regime’s crimes are not investigated will these crimes then become accepted behavior by America’s leaders? If no one is held to account for authority over-stepped, laws undermined, rule of law flouted, and torture codified, what’s to stop the next president, and the next and the next and the one after that from following suit?

To allow George W. Bush to go virtually unchallenged in any significant and legal way now is to allow a foundation of corruption and despotism to be laid at the feet of every president after him: an absolutely flawless model for sidestepping accountability and practicing unchecked and unfettered powers.

I believe that most of you — from both sides of the aisle — understand and appreciate all too well what the nature and scope of this President’s law-breaking, deceit and abuse of power has been. And it is precisely because you know all of these things that you would like nothing better than to just forget about it and move on.

Please do not do that.

Why do I say this? Because the continued success of government in this country, including, of course, the criminal justice system, depends upon a most fundamental and simple precept: No person is above the law. When I first started as a prosecutor, judges would sometimes phrase it more archaically: The law is no respecter of persons. But however it’s phrased, this basic premise has never changed. In the United States of America, regardless of a person’s station in life or political affiliation, he is entitled to be judged — and must be judged — according to the same laws as every one else.

Kucinich’s historic efforts have received little support and virtually no press.  Doesn’t that seem strange? A member of the House of Representatives brings 35 separate articles upon which the sitting President of the United States can be removed from office, but the Albuquerque Journal doesn’t consider it newsworthy? Did the Journal spike the story for some reason? I seem to recall front-page Journal stories about the articles of impeachment for President Clinton … . Perhaps it was an oversight and someone should tell the Journal their Washington bureau missed the story.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

Rather than admit a grave mistake and risk the possibility of exposure, Bush/Cheney and the Bush administration chose to keep an innocent man imprisoned, indefinitely. Any other time, any other place, emphasis here; any other administration and this would certainly be considered a crime against humanity. As such it would be tried and prosecuted, but Pelosi says “IMPEACHMENT is off the table”!!! It seems to me that when a Representative of the U.S. Government does not honor their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, then that person is also subject to IMPEACHMENT!

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare — almost pridefully — that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The “farce” of a surveillance law deal heralded by House Democratic leaders last week could permanently hide evidence of an “impeachable offense” on the part of President Bush, Sen. Feingold said.

“I do think this is a total farce with regard to the immunity [for telecommunications companies]. It basically guarantees the immunity,” Feingold said. “It doesn’t simply have the impact of potentially allowing telephone companies to break the law. It may prevent us from ever getting to the core issue … which is the president ran an illegal program that could’ve been an impeachable offense.”

There is no data, nor has there been any study demonstrating “an investigation will cause a backlash.” The genesis of this urban myth is worthy of a separate comment thread.

The legal duty under the laws of war is for the House to conduct an investigation. Once there is an investigation, the House can discuss how to proceed. Nuremberg establishes that when prosecutions have not occurred, the leadership must use impeachment, otherwise that country is not civilized:

“Under any civilized judicial system he could have been impeached and removed from office or convicted of malfeasance”

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-30 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,836 – (1,073)

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 10

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2], Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 21 – 2008-06-30

ADS: Sacrilege at Monticello

ADS: VIDAL: ‘The United States is not a republic anymore’

RAWSTORY: Judges cite nonsense poem in Guantanamo case

PWW: High crimes charge leveled at Bush, Cheney

BLOG: This is Your Moment. Impeach Bush NOW! Sign the Petition.

Day 20 – 2008-06-29

ADS: Monster chickens are coming home to roost


$5 Million A Year

SCOOP: George W. Bush to Speak at Monticello on July 4

BLOG: Impeach Bush.  Villagers, come with your torches for Dick Cheney.

BLOG: The Constitutional solution would be to impeach, try, convict and remove George Bush and Dick Cheney from their high offices

ADS: Quick! There’s No Time Left! Do Nothing for Seven More Months!

ADS: David Swanson at Marquette University

ADS: Preparing the Battlefield

ADS: Hersh: Cheney Trying To Create Casus Belli For War With Iran

STARNEWS: More On Bush

OEN: Independence Day Is Coming – Let’s Make It A Real Day For America’s Independence!

Day 19 – 2008-06-28

NEWS-LEADER: President needs impeachment

INDYBAY: Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Crimes of Kings

OEN: The Un-American Lies of Antonin Scalia

SUN-SENTINEL: Wexler/Kucinich effort to impeach has nothing to do with party politics

CONNIE-TALK: North Carolina Congressional Hopeful Runs On Impeach Bush Platform

OEN: I Hate to Say We Saw it Coming, But

ADS: Neil Young on Impeaching Bush

ADS: Revolution March Promoted by Ron Paul Supporters

ADS: Kucinich won’t rally for Obama until he gets answers

ADS: Primary Season Over, Barack Channels Hillary

OEN: Buying Power: The Sale of the Empire

BUENOS-AIRES: Bush, oil executives, criminally liable for Iraq War, says Congressman

Day 18 – 2008-06-27

PUBLIC-RECORD: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CONCORD-MONITOR: Put impeachment back on the table

TIMBERJAY: The old dog has to want to change its ways

LRC-BLOG: Maybe NOW They’ll Impeach Them

OEN: Call to Action July 4th- Get off the internet, I’ll see you in the streets!

PRESS-GAZETTE: Kucinich has the right idea

DES-MOINES-REGISTER: Media ignore move to impeach Bush

NAPA-VALLEY-REGISTER: It’s time to impeach

ADS: Momentum Building For Bugliosi’s Case Against George W. Bush For Murder

Day 17 – 2008-06-26

OEN: Clinton Impeachment vs Bush Impeachment

OEN: Impeachment Action Is Working!

RAWSTORY: Wexler: McCain’s ‘calculating the value of a terrorist attack’ is ‘eerie’

OEN: America has a Double Standard When It Comes to Kids

TCPALM: Bush’s border neglect is impeachable

ADS: Wexler Pushed for Impeachment Hearings on the Olbermann Show on MSNBC Tonight (video)

ADS: People Who Believe in God Also Believe Bush More Likely to Denounce His Own Policies Than Congress Is to Impeach Him


TMPCAFE: ‘Backlash Because of Impeachment Investigation’ Is An Urban Myth

ALIBI: Impeachment? What Impeachment?

RAWSTORY: McCain doesn’t want to impeach Bush (video)

ADS: Opening Statement to the House Judiciary Committee Regarding the Articles of Impeachment

ADS: Robert Wexler on Hannity & Colmes (video)

TMPCAFE: Addington Side Steps Conyers Question on Illegal Presidential Orders, Activity, War Crimes

Day 16 – 2008-06-25

PRWEB: A War Crimes Trial for Bush Administration? Priceless. Web-series launches “A Throbbing Surge”

CAPITOL-TIMES: Baldwin answers call of conscience, backs impeachment

RC-READER: Impeachment Articles Deserved Coverage

OEN: In Defense of Robert Wexler

AMERICAN-CHRONICLE: A Nation “On Track” Toward Derailment

M&C: Activists hope to honour President Bush with sewage plant

ST-PETERSBURG-TIMES: A lone congressman still speaks for the people

CONNIE-TALK: Dennis Kucinich Offers Petition To The Public For Impeaching Bush

LAS-VEGAS-SUN: Bush has flagrantly abused his power

ADS: In Memoriam Amendment IV

ADS: Six Years Later: Boston Globe Admits It’s Blood for Oil

ADS: Bush impeachment debate focuses on subpoenas (video)

ADS: Wexler, Bowman, and Impeachment

Day 15 – 2008-06-24

ADS: McClellan Testimony Highlights Bush’s Crimes — It’s Time for Genuine Accountability

SCOOP: Wexler on impeachment

HUFFPO: Lou Dobbs Stomps Out the Smoldering Match

POLITICALFORUM: Just Impeach Him Already

IMPEACHMENT-HEARING-ROOM: Impeach Bush And Cheney Before They Can Strike Again

OEN: A Future without Impeachment Paints a Bleak Picture

ADS: Feingold Says House Should Not Impeach for an Impeachable Offense Because the House Doesn’t Want to Do It

TMPCAFE: Congress Must Assert Exclusive Rule Making Power Over DC To Void All Presidential Signing Statements

TMPCAFE: Data Mining SASC25 Aggressive Interrogation Techniques

HUFFPO: Time for a Grand Inquest into Bush’s High Crimes

GLOBAL-RESEARCH: Rogue Nation: Time to change the course of U.S. history

Day 14 – 2008-06-23

ADVOCATE: Big Oil gains

OEN: Growing Right-Wing Chorus Backs Impeachment. When Will Pelosi?

BUZZFLASH: Barbara’s Daily BuzzFlash Minute

OEN: An Historic Moment Gone Unnoticed

ADS: The Battle Of Today Is Not For Today Alone

ADS: HEALTH ADVISORY: Invasion of the Impeachophobes

TMPCAFE: American Citizens Must Confront This President’s Illegal Prosecutions

RAWSTORY: Feingold: ‘Farce’ wiretap deal could be hiding ‘impeachable offense’

OEN: America Is Starting To Resemble Germany Before The Reichstag Fire

CONNIETALK: Dennis Kucinich May Be The Bravest American Of The Month

JEFFERSON-POST: Is the dawn coming?

FLICKR: Let’s purge congress of Bush Democrats

AUSTIN-DWI-LAWYER: I lost my temper today

TMPCAFE: Impeach Obama!

OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Day 13 – 2008-06-22

THEUNION: The value of the impeachment process

OEN: If The Opposite of Pro Is Con, Then The Opposite of Progress…

BILLINGS-GAZETTE: Impeachment articles exist to be used

OEN: Open Discussion Thread: Why do You think that Impeachment is a No-Go?

FASTCOMPANY: A reply letter to Florida Senator Bill Nelson

GATHER: Wexler to hold Town Hall Meeting

NUKESYLO13: Bush/Cheney in New England: “Arrest On Sight!”

RAWSTORY: McGovern: Iran attack coming soon

Day 12 – 2008-06-21

RAWSTORY: Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony (video)

BUSINESS-AND-MEDIA: Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

ADS: Lou Dobbs finds his reason to impeach Bush… food safety (video)

ADS: Major General Taguba’s Comments Add Weight to Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment

ADS: White House Refuses Another Subpoena

ADS: At Congressional Hearing, Conyers Talks About ‘Impeachable Offense’

SCOOP: Kucinich: Impeachment Not “Off the Table”

THE-FREE-PRESS: Support Dennis Kucinich

OEN: Impeach, Convict, Imprison, Sue

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein’s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

SALEM-NEWS: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CBSNEWS: McClellan: “White House Has Chosen To Conceal” Plame Details

ALTERNET: Scott McClellan Lays out a Damning Case Against Bush’s White House (video)

THE-REAL-NEWS: McClellan, impeachment and Congress (video)

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: “The current administration has committed war crimes” and needs to “be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

OEN: Congress Worse Than Bush & Company

INTERNATIONAL-NEWS: Movement is underway to impeach US President George W. Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing ” the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

ADS: Bush”s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush


Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Sign the Petition To Impeach Bush

– OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 10 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

A future without impeachment paints a frighteningly bleak picture, a picture that at this point many of us can see but too few of us are acting to prevent. If ever there was a time to act, now is that time. Congressman Kucinich has promised to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment against Bush within 30 days of the first introduction if the judiciary committee does not act. That’s just a few short weeks from now. It’s time, right now, to promote the necessity of impeachment as widely as possible. It is imperative that the Bush regime be driven from office and held accountable for its many crimes – it’s time to act now.

At this point the future in unwritten; which one we get is up to us.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi


ImpeachmentWatch Day 20 (2008-06-29) – Sunday Funnies

banned from Daily Kos

syndicated at

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 20 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

Speaker Pelosi is proving herself unfit as well. Her refusal to let impeachment move forward is as egregious an offense as anything George Bush’s appointees have done. Bush is a criminal, Pelosi his enabler. Enabling crimes is a crime, and Speaker Pelosi should be seen as unfit to carry on her duties, and should be removed as Speaker by the next session of Congress.

Impeachment Video of the Day

Fun with War Crimes – Episode 3: A Throbbing Surge

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable wouldn’t be as useful as waiting for Barack Obama to maybe become President so he could maybe investigate Bush then.

This is something that most people were never taught in history class. Instead, anyone receiving a public education in the U.S.A. is told that the Roman Empire collapsed because it was attacked by barbarians and “sacked.” This supposed “sacking” did take place, but it happened about 500 years after the Praetorian guards sold the empire to a senior Senator, convinced by his wife and daughter “and his parasites…that he deserved the throne.”

But what will happen if Kucinich’s 35 Articles of Impeachment quietly die in judiciary committee and the crimes of the Bush regime are not investigated? If the Bush regime’s crimes are not investigated will these crimes then become accepted behavior by America’s leaders? If no one is held to account for authority over-stepped, laws undermined, rule of law flouted, and torture codified, what’s to stop the next president, and the next and the next and the one after that from following suit?

To allow George W. Bush to go virtually unchallenged in any significant and legal way now is to allow a foundation of corruption and despotism to be laid at the feet of every president after him: an absolutely flawless model for sidestepping accountability and practicing unchecked and unfettered powers.

I believe that most of you — from both sides of the aisle — understand and appreciate all too well what the nature and scope of this President’s law-breaking, deceit and abuse of power has been. And it is precisely because you know all of these things that you would like nothing better than to just forget about it and move on.

Please do not do that.

Why do I say this? Because the continued success of government in this country, including, of course, the criminal justice system, depends upon a most fundamental and simple precept: No person is above the law. When I first started as a prosecutor, judges would sometimes phrase it more archaically: The law is no respecter of persons. But however it’s phrased, this basic premise has never changed. In the United States of America, regardless of a person’s station in life or political affiliation, he is entitled to be judged — and must be judged — according to the same laws as every one else.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich is apparently the only member of Congress who is actually doing his job of representing the people. Earlier this month he sponsored articles of impeachment against George W. Bush citing “unprecedented abuse of executive power” for all the blatant illegalities, lies and violations that have occurred during his presidency.

Kucinich’s historic efforts have received little support and virtually no press.  Doesn’t that seem strange? A member of the House of Representatives brings 35 separate articles upon which the sitting President of the United States can be removed from office, but the Albuquerque Journal doesn’t consider it newsworthy? Did the Journal spike the story for some reason? I seem to recall front-page Journal stories about the articles of impeachment for President Clinton … . Perhaps it was an oversight and someone should tell the Journal their Washington bureau missed the story.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

Rather than admit a grave mistake and risk the possibility of exposure, Bush/Cheney and the Bush administration chose to keep an innocent man imprisoned, indefinitely. Any other time, any other place, emphasis here; any other administration and this would certainly be considered a crime against humanity. As such it would be tried and prosecuted, but Pelosi says “IMPEACHMENT is off the table”!!! It seems to me that when a Representative of the U.S. Government does not honor their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, then that person is also subject to IMPEACHMENT!

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare — almost pridefully — that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The “farce” of a surveillance law deal heralded by House Democratic leaders last week could permanently hide evidence of an “impeachable offense” on the part of President Bush, Sen. Feingold said.

“I do think this is a total farce with regard to the immunity [for telecommunications companies]. It basically guarantees the immunity,” Feingold said. “It doesn’t simply have the impact of potentially allowing telephone companies to break the law. It may prevent us from ever getting to the core issue … which is the president ran an illegal program that could’ve been an impeachable offense.”

There is no data, nor has there been any study demonstrating “an investigation will cause a backlash.” The genesis of this urban myth is worthy of a separate comment thread.

The legal duty under the laws of war is for the House to conduct an investigation. Once there is an investigation, the House can discuss how to proceed. Nuremberg establishes that when prosecutions have not occurred, the leadership must use impeachment, otherwise that country is not civilized:

“Under any civilized judicial system he could have been impeached and removed from office or convicted of malfeasance”

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-29 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,555

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 11

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2], Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 20 – 2008-06-29

ADS: Monster chickens are coming home to roost


$5 Million A Year

SCOOP: George W. Bush to Speak at Monticello on July 4

BLOG: Impeach Bush.  Villagers, come with your torches for Dick Cheney.

BLOG: The Constitutional solution would be to impeach, try, convict and remove George Bush and Dick Cheney from their high offices

Day 19 – 2008-06-28

NEWS-LEADER: President needs impeachment

INDYBAY: Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Crimes of Kings

OEN: The Un-American Lies of Antonin Scalia

SUN-SENTINEL: Wexler/Kucinich effort to impeach has nothing to do with party politics

CONNIE-TALK: North Carolina Congressional Hopeful Runs On Impeach Bush Platform

OEN: I Hate to Say We Saw it Coming, But

ADS: Neil Young on Impeaching Bush

ADS: Revolution March Promoted by Ron Paul Supporters

ADS: Kucinich won’t rally for Obama until he gets answers

ADS: Primary Season Over, Barack Channels Hillary

OEN: Buying Power: The Sale of the Empire

Day 18 – 2008-06-27

PUBLIC-RECORD: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CONCORD-MONITOR: Put impeachment back on the table

TIMBERJAY: The old dog has to want to change its ways

LRC-BLOG: Maybe NOW They’ll Impeach Them

OEN: Call to Action July 4th- Get off the internet, I’ll see you in the streets!

PRESS-GAZETTE: Kucinich has the right idea

DES-MOINES-REGISTER: Media ignore move to impeach Bush

NAPA-VALLEY-REGISTER: It’s time to impeach

ADS: Momentum Building For Bugliosi’s Case Against George W. Bush For Murder

Day 17 – 2008-06-26

OEN: Clinton Impeachment vs Bush Impeachment

OEN: Impeachment Action Is Working!

RAWSTORY: Wexler: McCain’s ‘calculating the value of a terrorist attack’ is ‘eerie’

OEN: America has a Double Standard When It Comes to Kids

TCPALM: Bush’s border neglect is impeachable

ADS: Wexler Pushed for Impeachment Hearings on the Olbermann Show on MSNBC Tonight (video)

ADS: People Who Believe in God Also Believe Bush More Likely to Denounce His Own Policies Than Congress Is to Impeach Him


TMPCAFE: ‘Backlash Because of Impeachment Investigation’ Is An Urban Myth

ALIBI: Impeachment? What Impeachment?

RAWSTORY: McCain doesn’t want to impeach Bush (video)

ADS: Opening Statement to the House Judiciary Committee Regarding the Articles of Impeachment

ADS: Robert Wexler on Hannity & Colmes (video)

TMPCAFE: Addington Side Steps Conyers Question on Illegal Presidential Orders, Activity, War Crimes

Day 16 – 2008-06-25

PRWEB: A War Crimes Trial for Bush Administration? Priceless. Web-series launches “A Throbbing Surge”

CAPITOL-TIMES: Baldwin answers call of conscience, backs impeachment

RC-READER: Impeachment Articles Deserved Coverage

OEN: In Defense of Robert Wexler

AMERICAN-CHRONICLE: A Nation “On Track” Toward Derailment

M&C: Activists hope to honour President Bush with sewage plant

ST-PETERSBURG-TIMES: A lone congressman still speaks for the people

CONNIE-TALK: Dennis Kucinich Offers Petition To The Public For Impeaching Bush

LAS-VEGAS-SUN: Bush has flagrantly abused his power

ADS: In Memoriam Amendment IV

ADS: Six Years Later: Boston Globe Admits It’s Blood for Oil

ADS: Bush impeachment debate focuses on subpoenas (video)

ADS: Wexler, Bowman, and Impeachment

Day 15 – 2008-06-24

ADS: McClellan Testimony Highlights Bush’s Crimes — It’s Time for Genuine Accountability

SCOOP: Wexler on impeachment

HUFFPO: Lou Dobbs Stomps Out the Smoldering Match

POLITICALFORUM: Just Impeach Him Already

IMPEACHMENT-HEARING-ROOM: Impeach Bush And Cheney Before They Can Strike Again

OEN: A Future without Impeachment Paints a Bleak Picture

ADS: Feingold Says House Should Not Impeach for an Impeachable Offense Because the House Doesn’t Want to Do It

TMPCAFE: Congress Must Assert Exclusive Rule Making Power Over DC To Void All Presidential Signing Statements

TMPCAFE: Data Mining SASC25 Aggressive Interrogation Techniques

HUFFPO: Time for a Grand Inquest into Bush’s High Crimes

GLOBAL-RESEARCH: Rogue Nation: Time to change the course of U.S. history

Day 14 – 2008-06-23

ADVOCATE: Big Oil gains

OEN: Growing Right-Wing Chorus Backs Impeachment. When Will Pelosi?

BUZZFLASH: Barbara’s Daily BuzzFlash Minute

OEN: An Historic Moment Gone Unnoticed

ADS: The Battle Of Today Is Not For Today Alone

ADS: HEALTH ADVISORY: Invasion of the Impeachophobes

TMPCAFE: American Citizens Must Confront This President’s Illegal Prosecutions

RAWSTORY: Feingold: ‘Farce’ wiretap deal could be hiding ‘impeachable offense’

OEN: America Is Starting To Resemble Germany Before The Reichstag Fire

CONNIETALK: Dennis Kucinich May Be The Bravest American Of The Month

JEFFERSON-POST: Is the dawn coming?

FLICKR: Let’s purge congress of Bush Democrats

AUSTIN-DWI-LAWYER: I lost my temper today

TMPCAFE: Impeach Obama!

OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Day 13 – 2008-06-22

THEUNION: The value of the impeachment process

OEN: If The Opposite of Pro Is Con, Then The Opposite of Progress…

BILLINGS-GAZETTE: Impeachment articles exist to be used

OEN: Open Discussion Thread: Why do You think that Impeachment is a No-Go?

FASTCOMPANY: A reply letter to Florida Senator Bill Nelson

GATHER: Wexler to hold Town Hall Meeting

NUKESYLO13: Bush/Cheney in New England: “Arrest On Sight!”

RAWSTORY: McGovern: Iran attack coming soon

Day 12 – 2008-06-21

RAWSTORY: Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony (video)

BUSINESS-AND-MEDIA: Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

ADS: Lou Dobbs finds his reason to impeach Bush… food safety (video)

ADS: Major General Taguba’s Comments Add Weight to Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment

ADS: White House Refuses Another Subpoena

ADS: At Congressional Hearing, Conyers Talks About ‘Impeachable Offense’

SCOOP: Kucinich: Impeachment Not “Off the Table”

THE-FREE-PRESS: Support Dennis Kucinich

OEN: Impeach, Convict, Imprison, Sue

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein’s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

SALEM-NEWS: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CBSNEWS: McClellan: “White House Has Chosen To Conceal” Plame Details

ALTERNET: Scott McClellan Lays out a Damning Case Against Bush’s White House (video)

THE-REAL-NEWS: McClellan, impeachment and Congress (video)

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: “The current administration has committed war crimes” and needs to “be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

OEN: Congress Worse Than Bush & Company

INTERNATIONAL-NEWS: Movement is underway to impeach US President George W. Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing ” the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

ADS: Bush”s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush


Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Sign the Petition To Impeach Bush

– OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

A future without impeachment paints a frighteningly bleak picture, a picture that at this point many of us can see but too few of us are acting to prevent. If ever there was a time to act, now is that time. Congressman Kucinich has promised to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment against Bush within 30 days of the first introduction if the judiciary committee does not act. That’s just a few short weeks from now. It’s time, right now, to promote the necessity of impeachment as widely as possible. It is imperative that the Bush regime be driven from office and held accountable for its many crimes – it’s time to act now.

At this point the future in unwritten; which one we get is up to us.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi


ImpeachmentWatch Day 19 (2008-06-28)

banned from Daily Kos

syndicated at

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 19 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

Rep. Kucinich: This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Impeachment Video of the Day

Fun with War Crimes – Episode 2: 9/11 Changed Everything

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable wouldn’t be as useful as waiting for Barack Obama to maybe become President so he could maybe investigate Bush then.

But what will happen if Kucinich’s 35 Articles of Impeachment quietly die in judiciary committee and the crimes of the Bush regime are not investigated? If the Bush regime’s crimes are not investigated will these crimes then become accepted behavior by America’s leaders? If no one is held to account for authority over-stepped, laws undermined, rule of law flouted, and torture codified, what’s to stop the next president, and the next and the next and the one after that from following suit?

To allow George W. Bush to go virtually unchallenged in any significant and legal way now is to allow a foundation of corruption and despotism to be laid at the feet of every president after him: an absolutely flawless model for sidestepping accountability and practicing unchecked and unfettered powers.

I believe that most of you — from both sides of the aisle — understand and appreciate all too well what the nature and scope of this President’s law-breaking, deceit and abuse of power has been. And it is precisely because you know all of these things that you would like nothing better than to just forget about it and move on.

Please do not do that.

Why do I say this? Because the continued success of government in this country, including, of course, the criminal justice system, depends upon a most fundamental and simple precept: No person is above the law. When I first started as a prosecutor, judges would sometimes phrase it more archaically: The law is no respecter of persons. But however it’s phrased, this basic premise has never changed. In the United States of America, regardless of a person’s station in life or political affiliation, he is entitled to be judged — and must be judged — according to the same laws as every one else.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich is apparently the only member of Congress who is actually doing his job of representing the people. Earlier this month he sponsored articles of impeachment against George W. Bush citing “unprecedented abuse of executive power” for all the blatant illegalities, lies and violations that have occurred during his presidency.

Kucinich’s historic efforts have received little support and virtually no press, with a news blackout surrounding the issue. Did you read about it in the  Albuquerque Journal? Nope. To the best of my knowledge, the Journal has not printed a single word about the current articles of impeachment against George W. Bush.

Doesn’t that seem strange? A member of the House of Representatives brings 35 separate articles upon which the sitting President of the United States can be removed from office, but the Albuquerque Journal doesn’t consider it newsworthy? Did the Journal spike the story for some reason? I seem to recall front-page Journal stories about the articles of impeachment for President Clinton … . Perhaps it was an oversight and someone should tell the Journal their Washington bureau missed the story.

Whether or not you believe Bush should be impeached, the issue must be raised so the people can decide. If Kucinich and others (more than one million Americans have

signed a petition at who want Bush removed from office are wrong, then so be it. But let the government’s checks and balances do their job.

It’s important to realize that a vote supporting the articles of impeachment is not necessarily a vote to impeach President Bush. It is simply a vote to bring the issue up, to officially declare that there is a legitimate question of whether or not Bush has committed high crimes and misdemeanors that, if true, would warrant his removal from office.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

Rather than admit a grave mistake and risk the possibility of exposure, Bush/Cheney and the Bush administration chose to keep an innocent man imprisoned, indefinitely. Any other time, any other place, emphasis here; any other administration and this would certainly be considered a crime against humanity. As such it would be tried and prosecuted, but Pelosi says “IMPEACHMENT is off the table”!!! It seems to me that when a Representative of the U.S. Government does not honor their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, then that person is also subject to IMPEACHMENT!

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare — almost pridefully — that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The “farce” of a surveillance law deal heralded by House Democratic leaders last week could permanently hide evidence of an “impeachable offense” on the part of President Bush, Sen. Feingold said.

“I do think this is a total farce with regard to the immunity [for telecommunications companies]. It basically guarantees the immunity,” Feingold said. “It doesn’t simply have the impact of potentially allowing telephone companies to break the law. It may prevent us from ever getting to the core issue … which is the president ran an illegal program that could’ve been an impeachable offense.”

There is no data, nor has there been any study demonstrating “an investigation will cause a backlash.” The genesis of this urban myth is worthy of a separate comment thread.

The legal duty under the laws of war is for the House to conduct an investigation. Once there is an investigation, the House can discuss how to proceed. Nuremberg establishes that when prosecutions have not occurred, the leadership must use impeachment, otherwise that country is not civilized:

“Under any civilized judicial system he could have been impeached and removed from office or convicted of malfeasance”

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-28 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,931

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 12

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2], Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 19 – 2008-06-28

NEWS-LEADER: President needs impeachment

INDYBAY: Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Crimes of Kings

OEN: The Un-American Lies of Antonin Scalia

SUN-SENTINEL: Wexler/Kucinich effort to impeach has nothing to do with party politics

CONNIE-TALK: North Carolina Congressional Hopeful Runs On Impeach Bush Platform

OEN: I Hate to Say We Saw it Coming, But

ADS: Neil Young on Impeaching Bush

ADS: Revolution March Promoted by Ron Paul Supporters

ADS: Kucinich won’t rally for Obama until he gets answers

Day 18 – 2008-06-27

PUBLIC-RECORD: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CONCORD-MONITOR: Put impeachment back on the table

TIMBERJAY: The old dog has to want to change its ways

LRC-BLOG: Maybe NOW They’ll Impeach Them

OEN: Call to Action July 4th- Get off the internet, I’ll see you in the streets!

PRESS-GAZETTE: Kucinich has the right idea

DES-MOINES-REGISTER: Media ignore move to impeach Bush

NAPA-VALLEY-REGISTER: It’s time to impeach

ADS: Momentum Building For Bugliosi’s Case Against George W. Bush For Murder

Day 17 – 2008-06-26

OEN: Clinton Impeachment vs Bush Impeachment

OEN: Impeachment Action Is Working!

RAWSTORY: Wexler: McCain’s ‘calculating the value of a terrorist attack’ is ‘eerie’

OEN: America has a Double Standard When It Comes to Kids

TCPALM: Bush’s border neglect is impeachable

ADS: Wexler Pushed for Impeachment Hearings on the Olbermann Show on MSNBC Tonight (video)

ADS: People Who Believe in God Also Believe Bush More Likely to Denounce His Own Policies Than Congress Is to Impeach Him


TMPCAFE: ‘Backlash Because of Impeachment Investigation’ Is An Urban Myth

ALIBI: Impeachment? What Impeachment?

RAWSTORY: McCain doesn’t want to impeach Bush (video)

ADS: Opening Statement to the House Judiciary Committee Regarding the Articles of Impeachment

ADS: Robert Wexler on Hannity & Colmes (video)

TMPCAFE: Addington Side Steps Conyers Question on Illegal Presidential Orders, Activity, War Crimes

Day 16 – 2008-06-25

PRWEB: A War Crimes Trial for Bush Administration? Priceless. Web-series launches “A Throbbing Surge”

CAPITOL-TIMES: Baldwin answers call of conscience, backs impeachment

RC-READER: Impeachment Articles Deserved Coverage

OEN: In Defense of Robert Wexler

AMERICAN-CHRONICLE: A Nation “On Track” Toward Derailment

M&C: Activists hope to honour President Bush with sewage plant

ST-PETERSBURG-TIMES: A lone congressman still speaks for the people

CONNIE-TALK: Dennis Kucinich Offers Petition To The Public For Impeaching Bush

LAS-VEGAS-SUN: Bush has flagrantly abused his power

ADS: In Memoriam Amendment IV

ADS: Six Years Later: Boston Globe Admits It’s Blood for Oil

ADS: Bush impeachment debate focuses on subpoenas (video)

ADS: Wexler, Bowman, and Impeachment

Day 15 – 2008-06-24

ADS: McClellan Testimony Highlights Bush’s Crimes — It’s Time for Genuine Accountability

SCOOP: Wexler on impeachment

HUFFPO: Lou Dobbs Stomps Out the Smoldering Match

POLITICALFORUM: Just Impeach Him Already

IMPEACHMENT-HEARING-ROOM: Impeach Bush And Cheney Before They Can Strike Again

OEN: A Future without Impeachment Paints a Bleak Picture

ADS: Feingold Says House Should Not Impeach for an Impeachable Offense Because the House Doesn’t Want to Do It

TMPCAFE: Congress Must Assert Exclusive Rule Making Power Over DC To Void All Presidential Signing Statements

TMPCAFE: Data Mining SASC25 Aggressive Interrogation Techniques

HUFFPO: Time for a Grand Inquest into Bush’s High Crimes

GLOBAL-RESEARCH: Rogue Nation: Time to change the course of U.S. history

Day 14 – 2008-06-23

ADVOCATE: Big Oil gains

OEN: Growing Right-Wing Chorus Backs Impeachment. When Will Pelosi?

BUZZFLASH: Barbara’s Daily BuzzFlash Minute

OEN: An Historic Moment Gone Unnoticed

ADS: The Battle Of Today Is Not For Today Alone

ADS: HEALTH ADVISORY: Invasion of the Impeachophobes

TMPCAFE: American Citizens Must Confront This President’s Illegal Prosecutions

RAWSTORY: Feingold: ‘Farce’ wiretap deal could be hiding ‘impeachable offense’

OEN: America Is Starting To Resemble Germany Before The Reichstag Fire

CONNIETALK: Dennis Kucinich May Be The Bravest American Of The Month

JEFFERSON-POST: Is the dawn coming?

FLICKR: Let’s purge congress of Bush Democrats

AUSTIN-DWI-LAWYER: I lost my temper today

TMPCAFE: Impeach Obama!

OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Day 13 – 2008-06-22

THEUNION: The value of the impeachment process

OEN: If The Opposite of Pro Is Con, Then The Opposite of Progress…

BILLINGS-GAZETTE: Impeachment articles exist to be used

OEN: Open Discussion Thread: Why do You think that Impeachment is a No-Go?

FASTCOMPANY: A reply letter to Florida Senator Bill Nelson

GATHER: Wexler to hold Town Hall Meeting

NUKESYLO13: Bush/Cheney in New England: “Arrest On Sight!”

RAWSTORY: McGovern: Iran attack coming soon

Day 12 – 2008-06-21

RAWSTORY: Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony (video)

BUSINESS-AND-MEDIA: Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

ADS: Lou Dobbs finds his reason to impeach Bush… food safety (video)

ADS: Major General Taguba’s Comments Add Weight to Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment

ADS: White House Refuses Another Subpoena

ADS: At Congressional Hearing, Conyers Talks About ‘Impeachable Offense’

SCOOP: Kucinich: Impeachment Not “Off the Table”

THE-FREE-PRESS: Support Dennis Kucinich

OEN: Impeach, Convict, Imprison, Sue

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein’s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

SALEM-NEWS: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CBSNEWS: McClellan: “White House Has Chosen To Conceal” Plame Details

ALTERNET: Scott McClellan Lays out a Damning Case Against Bush’s White House (video)

THE-REAL-NEWS: McClellan, impeachment and Congress (video)

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: “The current administration has committed war crimes” and needs to “be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

OEN: Congress Worse Than Bush & Company

INTERNATIONAL-NEWS: Movement is underway to impeach US President George W. Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing ” the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

ADS: Bush”s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush



DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Sign the Petition To Impeach Bush

– OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

A future without impeachment paints a frighteningly bleak picture, a picture that at this point many of us can see but too few of us are acting to prevent. If ever there was a time to act, now is that time. Congressman Kucinich has promised to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment against Bush within 30 days of the first introduction if the judiciary committee does not act. That’s just a few short weeks from now. It’s time, right now, to promote the necessity of impeachment as widely as possible. It is imperative that the Bush regime be driven from office and held accountable for its many crimes – it’s time to act now.

At this point the future in unwritten; which one we get is up to us.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi


ImpeachmentWatch Day 18 (2008-06-27)

banned from Daily Kos

syndicated at

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 18 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

This will not be easy. If we speak the truth, they will try to silence us. If we act, they will try to stop us. But we speak for the majority, here and around the world, and as we get this going we are going to reach out to the people who have been so badly fooled by Bush and we are NOT going to stop.

The point is this: history is full of examples where people who had right on their side fought against tremendous odds and were victorious. And it is also full of examples of people passively hoping to wait it out, only to get swallowed up by a horror beyond what they ever imagined. The future is unwritten. WHICH ONE WE GET IS UP TO US.

Wear Orange Every Friday – Support Impeachment

I’m wearing my orange, are you wearing yours?

Impeachment Video of the Day

Fun with War Crimes – Episode 1: Heckuva Job!

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable would upset a sizeable portion of Americans who wouldn’t like that a President they (allegedly) elected and then (allegedly) re-elected is now facing impeachment.

But what will happen if Kucinich’s 35 Articles of Impeachment quietly die in judiciary committee and the crimes of the Bush regime are not investigated? If the Bush regime’s crimes are not investigated will these crimes then become accepted behavior by America’s leaders? If no one is held to account for authority over-stepped, laws undermined, rule of law flouted, and torture codified, what’s to stop the next president, and the next and the next and the one after that from following suit?

To allow George W. Bush to go virtually unchallenged in any significant and legal way now is to allow a foundation of corruption and despotism to be laid at the feet of every president after him: an absolutely flawless model for sidestepping accountability and practicing unchecked and unfettered powers.

I believe that most of you — from both sides of the aisle — understand and appreciate all too well what the nature and scope of this President’s law-breaking, deceit and abuse of power has been. And it is precisely because you know all of these things that you would like nothing better than to just forget about it and move on.

Please do not do that.

Why do I say this? Because the continued success of government in this country, including, of course, the criminal justice system, depends upon a most fundamental and simple precept: No person is above the law. When I first started as a prosecutor, judges would sometimes phrase it more archaically: The law is no respecter of persons. But however it’s phrased, this basic premise has never changed. In the United States of America, regardless of a person’s station in life or political affiliation, he is entitled to be judged — and must be judged — according to the same laws as every one else.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich is apparently the only member of Congress who is actually doing his job of representing the people. Earlier this month he sponsored articles of impeachment against George W. Bush citing “unprecedented abuse of executive power” for all the blatant illegalities, lies and violations that have occurred during his presidency.

Kucinich’s historic efforts have received little support and virtually no press, with a news blackout surrounding the issue. Did you read about it in the  Albuquerque Journal? Nope. To the best of my knowledge, the Journal has not printed a single word about the current articles of impeachment against George W. Bush.

Doesn’t that seem strange? A member of the House of Representatives brings 35 separate articles upon which the sitting President of the United States can be removed from office, but the Albuquerque Journal doesn’t consider it newsworthy? Did the Journal spike the story for some reason? I seem to recall front-page Journal stories about the articles of impeachment for President Clinton … . Perhaps it was an oversight and someone should tell the Journal their Washington bureau missed the story.

Whether or not you believe Bush should be impeached, the issue must be raised so the people can decide. If Kucinich and others (more than one million Americans have signed a petition at who want Bush removed from office are wrong, then so be it. But let the government’s checks and balances do their job.

It’s important to realize that a vote supporting the articles of impeachment is not necessarily a vote to impeach President Bush. It is simply a vote to bring the issue up, to officially declare that there is a legitimate question of whether or not Bush has committed high crimes and misdemeanors that, if true, would warrant his removal from office.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

Rep. Kucinich: This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Rather than admit a grave mistake and risk the possibility of exposure, Bush/Cheney and the Bush administration chose to keep an innocent man imprisoned, indefinitely. Any other time, any other place, emphasis here; any other administration and this would certainly be considered a crime against humanity. As such it would be tried and prosecuted, but Pelosi says “IMPEACHMENT is off the table”!!! It seems to me that when a Representative of the U.S. Government does not honor their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, then that person is also subject to IMPEACHMENT!

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare — almost pridefully — that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The “farce” of a surveillance law deal heralded by House Democratic leaders last week could permanently hide evidence of an “impeachable offense” on the part of President Bush, Sen. Feingold said.

“I do think this is a total farce with regard to the immunity [for telecommunications companies]. It basically guarantees the immunity,” Feingold said. “It doesn’t simply have the impact of potentially allowing telephone companies to break the law. It may prevent us from ever getting to the core issue … which is the president ran an illegal program that could’ve been an impeachable offense.”

There is no data, nor has there been any study demonstrating “an investigation will cause a backlash.” The genesis of this urban myth is worthy of a separate comment thread.

The legal duty under the laws of war is for the House to conduct an investigation. Once there is an investigation, the House can discuss how to proceed. Nuremberg establishes that when prosecutions have not occurred, the leadership must use impeachment, otherwise that country is not civilized:

“Under any civilized judicial system he could have been impeached and removed from office or convicted of malfeasance”

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-27 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,828

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 13

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2], Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 18 – 2008-06-27

PUBLIC-RECORD: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CONCORD-MONITOR: Put impeachment back on the table

TIMBERJAY: The old dog has to want to change its ways

LRC-BLOG: Maybe NOW They’ll Impeach Them

OEN: Call to Action July 4th- Get off the internet, I’ll see you in the streets!

PRESS-GAZETTE: Kucinich has the right idea

DES-MOINES-REGISTER: Media ignore move to impeach Bush

NAPA-VALLEY-REGISTER: It’s time to impeach

ADS: Momentum Building For Bugliosi’s Case Against George W. Bush For Murder

Day 17 – 2008-06-26

OEN: Clinton Impeachment vs Bush Impeachment

OEN: Impeachment Action Is Working!

RAWSTORY: Wexler: McCain’s ‘calculating the value of a terrorist attack’ is ‘eerie’

OEN: America has a Double Standard When It Comes to Kids

TCPALM: Bush’s border neglect is impeachable

ADS: Wexler Pushed for Impeachment Hearings on the Olbermann Show on MSNBC Tonight (video)

ADS: People Who Believe in God Also Believe Bush More Likely to Denounce His Own Policies Than Congress Is to Impeach Him


TMPCAFE: ‘Backlash Because of Impeachment Investigation’ Is An Urban Myth

ALIBI: Impeachment? What Impeachment?

RAWSTORY: McCain doesn’t want to impeach Bush (video)

ADS: Opening Statement to the House Judiciary Committee Regarding the Articles of Impeachment

ADS: Robert Wexler on Hannity & Colmes (video)

TMPCAFE: Addington Side Steps Conyers Question on Illegal Presidential Orders, Activity, War Crimes

Day 16 – 2008-06-25

PRWEB: A War Crimes Trial for Bush Administration? Priceless. Web-series launches “A Throbbing Surge”

CAPITOL-TIMES: Baldwin answers call of conscience, backs impeachment

RC-READER: Impeachment Articles Deserved Coverage

OEN: In Defense of Robert Wexler

AMERICAN-CHRONICLE: A Nation “On Track” Toward Derailment

M&C: Activists hope to honour President Bush with sewage plant

ST-PETERSBURG-TIMES: A lone congressman still speaks for the people

CONNIE-TALK: Dennis Kucinich Offers Petition To The Public For Impeaching Bush

LAS-VEGAS-SUN: Bush has flagrantly abused his power

ADS: In Memoriam Amendment IV

ADS: Six Years Later: Boston Globe Admits It’s Blood for Oil

ADS: Bush impeachment debate focuses on subpoenas (video)

ADS: Wexler, Bowman, and Impeachment

Day 15 – 2008-06-24

ADS: McClellan Testimony Highlights Bush’s Crimes — It’s Time for Genuine Accountability

SCOOP: Wexler on impeachment

HUFFPO: Lou Dobbs Stomps Out the Smoldering Match

POLITICALFORUM: Just Impeach Him Already

IMPEACHMENT-HEARING-ROOM: Impeach Bush And Cheney Before They Can Strike Again

OEN: A Future without Impeachment Paints a Bleak Picture

ADS: Feingold Says House Should Not Impeach for an Impeachable Offense Because the House Doesn’t Want to Do It

TMPCAFE: Congress Must Assert Exclusive Rule Making Power Over DC To Void All Presidential Signing Statements

TMPCAFE: Data Mining SASC25 Aggressive Interrogation Techniques

HUFFPO: Time for a Grand Inquest into Bush’s High Crimes

GLOBAL-RESEARCH: Rogue Nation: Time to change the course of U.S. history

Day 14 – 2008-06-23

ADVOCATE: Big Oil gains

OEN: Growing Right-Wing Chorus Backs Impeachment. When Will Pelosi?

BUZZFLASH: Barbara’s Daily BuzzFlash Minute

OEN: An Historic Moment Gone Unnoticed

ADS: The Battle Of Today Is Not For Today Alone

ADS: HEALTH ADVISORY: Invasion of the Impeachophobes

TMPCAFE: American Citizens Must Confront This President’s Illegal Prosecutions

RAWSTORY: Feingold: ‘Farce’ wiretap deal could be hiding ‘impeachable offense’

OEN: America Is Starting To Resemble Germany Before The Reichstag Fire

CONNIETALK: Dennis Kucinich May Be The Bravest American Of The Month

JEFFERSON-POST: Is the dawn coming?

FLICKR: Let’s purge congress of Bush Democrats

AUSTIN-DWI-LAWYER: I lost my temper today

TMPCAFE: Impeach Obama!

OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Day 13 – 2008-06-22

THEUNION: The value of the impeachment process

OEN: If The Opposite of Pro Is Con, Then The Opposite of Progress…

BILLINGS-GAZETTE: Impeachment articles exist to be used

OEN: Open Discussion Thread: Why do You think that Impeachment is a No-Go?

FASTCOMPANY: A reply letter to Florida Senator Bill Nelson

GATHER: Wexler to hold Town Hall Meeting

NUKESYLO13: Bush/Cheney in New England: “Arrest On Sight!”

RAWSTORY: McGovern: Iran attack coming soon

Day 12 – 2008-06-21

RAWSTORY: Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony (video)

BUSINESS-AND-MEDIA: Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

ADS: Lou Dobbs finds his reason to impeach Bush… food safety (video)

ADS: Major General Taguba’s Comments Add Weight to Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment

ADS: White House Refuses Another Subpoena

ADS: At Congressional Hearing, Conyers Talks About ‘Impeachable Offense’

SCOOP: Kucinich: Impeachment Not “Off the Table”

THE-FREE-PRESS: Support Dennis Kucinich

OEN: Impeach, Convict, Imprison, Sue

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein’s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

SALEM-NEWS: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CBSNEWS: McClellan: “White House Has Chosen To Conceal” Plame Details

ALTERNET: Scott McClellan Lays out a Damning Case Against Bush’s White House (video)

THE-REAL-NEWS: McClellan, impeachment and Congress (video)

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: “The current administration has committed war crimes” and needs to “be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

OEN: Congress Worse Than Bush & Company

INTERNATIONAL-NEWS: Movement is underway to impeach US President George W. Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing ” the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

ADS: Bush”s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush


DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Sign the Petition To Impeach Bush

– OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

A future without impeachment paints a frighteningly bleak picture, a picture that at this point many of us can see but too few of us are acting to prevent. If ever there was a time to act, now is that time. Congressman Kucinich has promised to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment against Bush within 30 days of the first introduction if the judiciary committee does not act. That’s just a few short weeks from now. It’s time, right now, to promote the necessity of impeachment as widely as possible. It is imperative that the Bush regime be driven from office and held accountable for its many crimes – it’s time to act now.

At this point the future in unwritten; which one we get is up to us.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

ImpeachmentWatch Day 17 (2008-06-26)

banned from Daily Kos

syndicated at

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 17 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

There is no data, nor has there been any study demonstrating “an investigation will cause a backlash.” The genesis of this urban myth is worthy of a separate comment thread.

The legal duty under the laws of war is for the House to conduct an investigation. Once there is an investigation, the House can discuss how to proceed. Nuremberg establishes that when prosecutions have not occurred, the leadership must use impeachment, otherwise that country is not civilized:

“Under any civilized judicial system he could have been impeached and removed from office or convicted of malfeasance”

Orange Friday Reminder: Tommorrow is Friday.  Please Wear Orange and ask your friends and family to Wear Orange.

If only a fraction of the 70% who want Bush and Cheney gone were to Wear Orange Every Friday, a ribbon, an armband, a t-shirt and so on, we’d have millions.  These millions would be seen by tens of millions of others and can inspire bursts of Orange all over the country.

Impeachment Video of the Day

Fun with War Crimes – Trailer

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable would upset a sizeable portion of Americans who wouldn’t like that a President they (allegedly) elected and then (allegedly) re-elected is now facing impeachment.

But what will happen if Kucinich’s 35 Articles of Impeachment quietly die in judiciary committee and the crimes of the Bush regime are not investigated? If the Bush regime’s crimes are not investigated will these crimes then become accepted behavior by America’s leaders? If no one is held to account for authority over-stepped, laws undermined, rule of law flouted, and torture codified, what’s to stop the next president, and the next and the next and the one after that from following suit?

To allow George W. Bush to go virtually unchallenged in any significant and legal way now is to allow a foundation of corruption and despotism to be laid at the feet of every president after him: an absolutely flawless model for sidestepping accountability and practicing unchecked and unfettered powers.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich is apparently the only member of Congress who is actually doing his job of representing the people. Earlier this month he sponsored articles of impeachment against George W. Bush citing “unprecedented abuse of executive power” for all the blatant illegalities, lies and violations that have occurred during his presidency.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

Rep. Kucinich: This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Rather than admit a grave mistake and risk the possibility of exposure, Bush/Cheney and the Bush administration chose to keep an innocent man imprisoned, indefinitely. Any other time, any other place, emphasis here; any other administration and this would certainly be considered a crime against humanity. As such it would be tried and prosecuted, but Pelosi says “IMPEACHMENT is off the table”!!! It seems to me that when a Representative of the U.S. Government does not honor their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, then that person is also subject to IMPEACHMENT!

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare — almost pridefully — that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The “farce” of a surveillance law deal heralded by House Democratic leaders last week could permanently hide evidence of an “impeachable offense” on the part of President Bush, Sen. Feingold said.

“I do think this is a total farce with regard to the immunity [for telecommunications companies]. It basically guarantees the immunity,” Feingold said. “It doesn’t simply have the impact of potentially allowing telephone companies to break the law. It may prevent us from ever getting to the core issue … which is the president ran an illegal program that could’ve been an impeachable offense.”

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-26 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 6,231

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 13

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2], Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 17 – 2008-06-26

OEN: Clinton Impeachment vs Bush Impeachment

OEN: Impeachment Action Is Working!

RAWSTORY: Wexler: McCain’s ‘calculating the value of a terrorist attack’ is ‘eerie’

OEN: America has a Double Standard When It Comes to Kids

TCPALM: Bush’s border neglect is impeachable

ADS: Wexler Pushed for Impeachment Hearings on the Olbermann Show on MSNBC Tonight (video)

ADS: People Who Believe in God Also Believe Bush More Likely to Denounce His Own Policies Than Congress Is to Impeach Him


TMPCAFE: ‘Backlash Because of Impeachment Investigation’ Is An Urban Myth

Day 16 – 2008-06-25

PRWEB: A War Crimes Trial for Bush Administration? Priceless. Web-series launches “A Throbbing Surge”

CAPITOL-TIMES: Baldwin answers call of conscience, backs impeachment

RC-READER: Impeachment Articles Deserved Coverage

OEN: In Defense of Robert Wexler

AMERICAN-CHRONICLE: A Nation “On Track” Toward Derailment

M&C: Activists hope to honour President Bush with sewage plant

ST-PETERSBURG-TIMES: A lone congressman still speaks for the people

CONNIE-TALK: Dennis Kucinich Offers Petition To The Public For Impeaching Bush

LAS-VEGAS-SUN: Bush has flagrantly abused his power

ADS: In Memoriam Amendment IV

ADS: Six Years Later: Boston Globe Admits It’s Blood for Oil

ADS: Bush impeachment debate focuses on subpoenas (video)

ADS: Wexler, Bowman, and Impeachment

Day 15 – 2008-06-24

ADS: McClellan Testimony Highlights Bush’s Crimes — It’s Time for Genuine Accountability

SCOOP: Wexler on impeachment

HUFFPO: Lou Dobbs Stomps Out the Smoldering Match

POLITICALFORUM: Just Impeach Him Already

IMPEACHMENT-HEARING-ROOM: Impeach Bush And Cheney Before They Can Strike Again

OEN: A Future without Impeachment Paints a Bleak Picture

ADS: Feingold Says House Should Not Impeach for an Impeachable Offense Because the House Doesn’t Want to Do It

TMPCAFE: Congress Must Assert Exclusive Rule Making Power Over DC To Void All Presidential Signing Statements

TMPCAFE: Data Mining SASC25 Aggressive Interrogation Techniques

HUFFPO: Time for a Grand Inquest into Bush’s High Crimes

GLOBAL-RESEARCH: Rogue Nation: Time to change the course of U.S. history

Day 14 – 2008-06-23

ADVOCATE: Big Oil gains

OEN: Growing Right-Wing Chorus Backs Impeachment. When Will Pelosi?

BUZZFLASH: Barbara’s Daily BuzzFlash Minute

OEN: An Historic Moment Gone Unnoticed

ADS: The Battle Of Today Is Not For Today Alone

ADS: HEALTH ADVISORY: Invasion of the Impeachophobes

TMPCAFE: American Citizens Must Confront This President’s Illegal Prosecutions

RAWSTORY: Feingold: ‘Farce’ wiretap deal could be hiding ‘impeachable offense’

OEN: America Is Starting To Resemble Germany Before The Reichstag Fire

CONNIETALK: Dennis Kucinich May Be The Bravest American Of The Month

JEFFERSON-POST: Is the dawn coming?

FLICKR: Let’s purge congress of Bush Democrats

AUSTIN-DWI-LAWYER: I lost my temper today

TMPCAFE: Impeach Obama!

OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Day 13 – 2008-06-22

THEUNION: The value of the impeachment process

OEN: If The Opposite of Pro Is Con, Then The Opposite of Progress…

BILLINGS-GAZETTE: Impeachment articles exist to be used

OEN: Open Discussion Thread: Why do You think that Impeachment is a No-Go?

FASTCOMPANY: A reply letter to Florida Senator Bill Nelson

GATHER: Wexler to hold Town Hall Meeting

NUKESYLO13: Bush/Cheney in New England: “Arrest On Sight!”

RAWSTORY: McGovern: Iran attack coming soon

Day 12 – 2008-06-21

RAWSTORY: Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony (video)

BUSINESS-AND-MEDIA: Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

ADS: Lou Dobbs finds his reason to impeach Bush… food safety (video)

ADS: Major General Taguba’s Comments Add Weight to Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment

ADS: White House Refuses Another Subpoena

ADS: At Congressional Hearing, Conyers Talks About ‘Impeachable Offense’

SCOOP: Kucinich: Impeachment Not “Off the Table”

THE-FREE-PRESS: Support Dennis Kucinich

OEN: Impeach, Convict, Imprison, Sue

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein’s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

SALEM-NEWS: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CBSNEWS: McClellan: “White House Has Chosen To Conceal” Plame Details

ALTERNET: Scott McClellan Lays out a Damning Case Against Bush’s White House (video)

THE-REAL-NEWS: McClellan, impeachment and Congress (video)

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: “The current administration has committed war crimes” and needs to “be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

OEN: Congress Worse Than Bush & Company

INTERNATIONAL-NEWS: Movement is underway to impeach US President George W. Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing ” the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

ADS: Bush”s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush

DKOS: Daily Kos

Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Sign the Petition To Impeach Bush

– OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

A future without impeachment paints a frighteningly bleak picture, a picture that at this point many of us can see but too few of us are acting to prevent. If ever there was a time to act, now is that time. Congressman Kucinich has promised to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment against Bush within 30 days of the first introduction if the judiciary committee does not act. That’s just a few short weeks from now. It’s time, right now, to promote the necessity of impeachment as widely as possible. It is imperative that the Bush regime be driven from office and held accountable for its many crimes – it’s time to act now.

At this point the future in unwritten; which one we get is up to us.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

ImpeachmentWatch Day 16 (2008-06-25)

syndicated at

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 16 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

A full-fledged cottage industry is already focused on those who eagerly await the end of the Bush administration, offering calendars, magnets, and t-shirts for sale as well as counters and graphics to download onto blogs and websites. But when the countdown ends and George W. Bush vacates the Oval Office, he will leave a legacy to contend with. Certainly, he wills to his successor a world marred by war and battered by deprivation, but perhaps his most enduring legacy is now deeply embedded in Washington-area politics — a Pentagon metastasized almost beyond recognition.

New Co-Sponsor: Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17]

New: Kucinich Petition To Impeach Bush

Impeachment Video of the Day

7 Things You Can’t Say in ’08: In Memory of George Carlin

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable would upset a sizeable portion of Americans who’d rather talk about the bad economy.

But what will happen if Kucinich’s 35 Articles of Impeachment quietly die in judiciary committee and the crimes of the Bush regime are not investigated? If the Bush regime’s crimes are not investigated will these crimes then become accepted behavior by America’s leaders? If no one is held to account for authority over-stepped, laws undermined, rule of law flouted, and torture codified, what’s to stop the next president, and the next and the next and the one after that from following suit?

To allow George W. Bush to go virtually unchallenged in any significant and legal way now is to allow a foundation of corruption and despotism to be laid at the feet of every president after him: an absolutely flawless model for sidestepping accountability and practicing unchecked and unfettered powers.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich is apparently the only member of Congress who is actually doing his job of representing the people. Earlier this month he sponsored articles of impeachment against George W. Bush citing “unprecedented abuse of executive power” for all the blatant illegalities, lies and violations that have occurred during his presidency.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

Rep. Kucinich: This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Rather than admit a grave mistake and risk the possibility of exposure, Bush/Cheney and the Bush administration chose to keep an innocent man imprisoned, indefinitely. Any other time, any other place, emphasis here; any other administration and this would certainly be considered a crime against humanity. As such it would be tried and prosecuted, but Pelosi says “IMPEACHMENT is off the table”!!! It seems to me that when a Representative of the U.S. Government does not honor their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, then that person is also subject to IMPEACHMENT!

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare — almost pridefully — that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The “farce” of a surveillance law deal heralded by House Democratic leaders last week could permanently hide evidence of an “impeachable offense” on the part of President Bush, Sen. Feingold said.

“I do think this is a total farce with regard to the immunity [for telecommunications companies]. It basically guarantees the immunity,” Feingold said. “It doesn’t simply have the impact of potentially allowing telephone companies to break the law. It may prevent us from ever getting to the core issue … which is the president ran an illegal program that could’ve been an impeachable offense.”

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-25 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 6,231

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 14

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2], Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 16 – 2008-06-25

PRWEB: A War Crimes Trial for Bush Administration? Priceless. Web-series launches “A Throbbing Surge”

CAPITOL-TIMES: Baldwin answers call of conscience, backs impeachment

RC-READER: Impeachment Articles Deserved Coverage

OEN: In Defense of Robert Wexler

AMERICAN-CHRONICLE: A Nation “On Track” Toward Derailment

M&C: Activists hope to honour President Bush with sewage plant

ST-PETERSBURG-TIMES: A lone congressman still speaks for the people

CONNIE-TALK: Dennis Kucinich Offers Petition To The Public For Impeaching Bush

LAS-VEGAS-SUN: Bush has flagrantly abused his power

ADS: In Memoriam Amendment IV

ADS: Six Years Later: Boston Globe Admits It’s Blood for Oil

ADS: Bush impeachment debate focuses on subpoenas (video)

Day 15 – 2008-06-24

ADS: McClellan Testimony Highlights Bush’s Crimes — It’s Time for Genuine Accountability

SCOOP: Wexler on impeachment

HUFFPO: Lou Dobbs Stomps Out the Smoldering Match

POLITICALFORUM: Just Impeach Him Already

IMPEACHMENT-HEARING-ROOM: Impeach Bush And Cheney Before They Can Strike Again

OEN: A Future without Impeachment Paints a Bleak Picture

ADS: Feingold Says House Should Not Impeach for an Impeachable Offense Because the House Doesn’t Want to Do It

TMPCAFE: Congress Must Assert Exclusive Rule Making Power Over DC To Void All Presidential Signing Statements

TMPCAFE: Data Mining SASC25 Aggressive Interrogation Techniques

HUFFPO: Time for a Grand Inquest into Bush’s High Crimes

GLOBAL-RESEARCH: Rogue Nation: Time to change the course of U.S. history

Day 14 – 2008-06-23

ADVOCATE: Big Oil gains

OEN: Growing Right-Wing Chorus Backs Impeachment. When Will Pelosi?

BUZZFLASH: Barbara’s Daily BuzzFlash Minute

OEN: An Historic Moment Gone Unnoticed

ADS: The Battle Of Today Is Not For Today Alone

ADS: HEALTH ADVISORY: Invasion of the Impeachophobes

TMPCAFE: American Citizens Must Confront This President’s Illegal Prosecutions

RAWSTORY: Feingold: ‘Farce’ wiretap deal could be hiding ‘impeachable offense’

OEN: America Is Starting To Resemble Germany Before The Reichstag Fire

CONNIETALK: Dennis Kucinich May Be The Bravest American Of The Month

JEFFERSON-POST: Is the dawn coming?

FLICKR: Let’s purge congress of Bush Democrats

AUSTIN-DWI-LAWYER: I lost my temper today

TMPCAFE: Impeach Obama!

OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Day 13 – 2008-06-22

THEUNION: The value of the impeachment process

OEN: If The Opposite of Pro Is Con, Then The Opposite of Progress…

BILLINGS-GAZETTE: Impeachment articles exist to be used

OEN: Open Discussion Thread: Why do You think that Impeachment is a No-Go?

FASTCOMPANY: A reply letter to Florida Senator Bill Nelson

GATHER: Wexler to hold Town Hall Meeting

NUKESYLO13: Bush/Cheney in New England: “Arrest On Sight!”

RAWSTORY: McGovern: Iran attack coming soon

Day 12 – 2008-06-21

RAWSTORY: Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony (video)

BUSINESS-AND-MEDIA: Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

ADS: Lou Dobbs finds his reason to impeach Bush… food safety (video)

ADS: Major General Taguba’s Comments Add Weight to Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment

ADS: White House Refuses Another Subpoena

ADS: At Congressional Hearing, Conyers Talks About ‘Impeachable Offense’

SCOOP: Kucinich: Impeachment Not “Off the Table”

THE-FREE-PRESS: Support Dennis Kucinich

OEN: Impeach, Convict, Imprison, Sue

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein’s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

SALEM-NEWS: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CBSNEWS: McClellan: “White House Has Chosen To Conceal” Plame Details

ALTERNET: Scott McClellan Lays out a Damning Case Against Bush’s White House (video)

THE-REAL-NEWS: McClellan, impeachment and Congress (video)

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: “The current administration has committed war crimes” and needs to “be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

OEN: Congress Worse Than Bush & Company

INTERNATIONAL-NEWS: Movement is underway to impeach US President George W. Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing ” the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

ADS: Bush”s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush

DKOS: Daily Kos

Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Sign the Petition To Impeach Bush

– OEN: Some things we can do to help impeachment along

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

A future without impeachment paints a frighteningly bleak picture, a picture that at this point many of us can see but too few of us are acting to prevent. If ever there was a time to act, now is that time. Congressman Kucinich has promised to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment against Bush within 30 days of the first introduction if the judiciary committee does not act. That’s just a few short weeks from now. It’s time, right now, to promote the necessity of impeachment as widely as possible. It is imperative that the Bush regime be driven from office and held accountable for its many crimes – it’s time to act now.

At this point the future in unwritten; which one we get is up to us.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

ImpeachmentWatch Day 15 (2008-06-24)

banned from Daily Kos

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 15 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

Impeachment Video of the Day

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable is about dwelling on the past.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

Finally, McGovern calls on Congressman John Conyers (D-MI), who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, to “do what must be done.”

“Does Conyers not owe at least that much encouragement to those courageous officers who have stood up to Cheney in trying to prevent wider war and catastrophe in the Middle East? Scott McClellan has been quite clear in reminding us that once the president decided to invade Iraq, he was not going to let anything stop him. There is ample evidence that Bush has taken a similar decision with respect to Iran – with Olmert as his chief counsel, no less.

What would Washington and Jefferson say if they learned about secretly removing a citizen of a foreign nation to a nation bereft of constitutional safeguards and interrogating ruthlessly without any specified time frame?

What about snooping through libraries to determine what people have been reading without any warrant or explanation why such information is being gathered?

How about refusing to allow terrorist suspects right to counsel and indefinitely torturing them, including waterboarding?

Rep. Kucinich: This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Rather than admit a grave mistake and risk the possibility of exposure, Bush/Cheney and the Bush administration chose to keep an innocent man imprisoned, indefinitely. Any other time, any other place, emphasis here; any other administration and this would certainly be considered a crime against humanity. As such it would be tried and prosecuted, but Pelosi says “IMPEACHMENT is off the table”!!! It seems to me that when a Representative of the U.S. Government does not honor their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, then that person is also subject to IMPEACHMENT!

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare — almost pridefully — that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

Velvel said past practice has been to allow U.S. officials responsible for war crimes in Viet Nam and elsewhere to enjoy immunity from prosecution upon leaving office. “President Johnson retired to his Texas ranch and his Defense Secretary Robert McNamara was named to head the World Bank; Richard Nixon retired to San Clemente and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was allowed to grow richer and richer,” Velvel said.

He noted in the years since the prosecution and punishment of German and Japanese leaders after World War Two those nation’s leaders changed their countries’ aggressor cultures. One cannot discount contributory cause and effect here, he said.

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The “farce” of a surveillance law deal heralded by House Democratic leaders last week could permanently hide evidence of an “impeachable offense” on the part of President Bush, Sen. Feingold said.

“I do think this is a total farce with regard to the immunity [for telecommunications companies]. It basically guarantees the immunity,” Feingold said. “It doesn’t simply have the impact of potentially allowing telephone companies to break the law. It may prevent us from ever getting to the core issue … which is the president ran an illegal program that could’ve been an impeachable offense.”

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

Upon hearing the 35 pages of crimes committed by Bush, Pelosi and Reid fell into hysterical laughter at the prospect that any Congressman or Senator would pretend to do their jobs. Issuing a joint statement in response to Kucinich, they said, “What does he think this Congress is going to do, work? Fulfill the will of the people? He has lost site of our real purpose as leaders. Our job is not to conduct oversight on illegal presidential acts. It is not our position to investigate these truths. We will let history judge the president and us. We can’t waste time on matters of importance.” Pelosi then excused herself

saying she had more pressing issues such as “naming new Post Offices” to deal with.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The more Bush’s dirty laundry is aired for all to see, the worse John McCain will do in November. The fact that John McCain supported the very things Bush could be impeached for should tell Democrats that going forward against Bush is great strategy.

The alternative is to give Bush, Cheney and others in their administration a pass — a “get out of jail free” card. If we were to issue that now, regardless of what they might do in the seven months they still have in office, they’d have free rein to operate outside the law.

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

Polls indicate that at least 40% of the American public supports an investigation into the possible impeachment of George W. Bush.

In 1998 a little more than 20% of the public supported impeaching president Clinton.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

The limitation of the period of his service, was not a sufficient securityHe might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression.” — James Madison

“There’s a way to bring an end to those practices, you know: vote the bums out… That’s how our system is designed.” — Barack Obama

That’s not how our system is designed.

The promise of another election was not enough to stop an Executive from abusing power in James Madison’s opinion but unfortunately, the Democratic candidate for president, much of the Democratic Party, and its constituents find the promise to be enough. And incidentally, it has never been enough.

“The system should be designed so that the two parties are so similar the people can ‘throw the bums out’ at anytime, without a substantial change in policy.” — Carrol Quigley

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-24 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 6,328 – (5) (13) (30)

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 15

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 15 – 2008-06-24

ADS: McClellan Testimony Highlights Bush’s Crimes — It’s Time for Genuine Accountability

SCOOP: Wexler on impeachment

HUFFPO: Lou Dobbs Stomps Out the Smoldering Match

POLITICALFORUM: Just Impeach Him Already

IMPEACHMENT-HEARING-ROOM: Impeach Bush And Cheney Before They Can Strike Again

Day 14 – 2008-06-23

ADVOCATE: Big Oil gains

OEN: Growing Right-Wing Chorus Backs Impeachment. When Will Pelosi?

BUZZFLASH: Barbara’s Daily BuzzFlash Minute

OEN: An Historic Moment Gone Unnoticed

ADS: The Battle Of Today Is Not For Today Alone

ADS: HEALTH ADVISORY: Invasion of the Impeachophobes

TMPCAFE: American Citizens Must Confront This President’s Illegal Prosecutions

RAWSTORY: Feingold: ‘Farce’ wiretap deal could be hiding ‘impeachable offense’

OEN: America Is Starting To Resemble Germany Before The Reichstag Fire

CONNIETALK: Dennis Kucinich May Be The Bravest American Of The Month

JEFFERSON-POST: Is the dawn coming?

FLICKR: Let’s purge congress of Bush Democrats

AUSTIN-DWI-LAWYER: I lost my temper today

TMPCAFE: Impeach Obama!

Day 13 – 2008-06-22

THEUNION: The value of the impeachment process

OEN: If The Opposite of Pro Is Con, Then The Opposite of Progress…

BILLINGS-GAZETTE: Impeachment articles exist to be used

OEN: Open Discussion Thread: Why do You think that Impeachment is a No-Go?

FASTCOMPANY: A reply letter to Florida Senator Bill Nelson

GATHER: Wexler to hold Town Hall Meeting

NUKESYLO13: Bush/Cheney in New England: “Arrest On Sight!”

RAWSTORY: McGovern: Iran attack coming soon

Day 12 – 2008-06-21

RAWSTORY: Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony (video)

BUSINESS-AND-MEDIA: Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

ADS: Lou Dobbs finds his reason to impeach Bush… food safety (video)

ADS: Major General Taguba’s Comments Add Weight to Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment

ADS: White House Refuses Another Subpoena

ADS: At Congressional Hearing, Conyers Talks About ‘Impeachable Offense’

SCOOP: Kucinich: Impeachment Not “Off the Table”

THE-FREE-PRESS: Support Dennis Kucinich

OEN: Impeach, Convict, Imprison, Sue

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein’s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

SALEM-NEWS: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CBSNEWS: McClellan: “White House Has Chosen To Conceal” Plame Details

ALTERNET: Scott McClellan Lays out a Damning Case Against Bush’s White House (video)

THE-REAL-NEWS: McClellan, impeachment and Congress (video)

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: “The current administration has committed war crimes” and needs to “be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

OEN: Congress Worse Than Bush & Company

INTERNATIONAL-NEWS: Movement is underway to impeach US President George W. Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing ” the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

ADS: Bush”s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush

DKOS: Daily Kos

Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

The Real State of the Union


ImpeachmentWatch Day 14 (2008-06-23)

banned from Daily Kos

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 14 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

Shit, Piss, Cunt, Fuck, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits

George Carlin (1937-2008)

George Carlin Tribute Video

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable is about dwelling on the past.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

Finally, McGovern calls on Congressman John Conyers (D-MI), who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, to “do what must be done.”

“Does Conyers not owe at least that much encouragement to those courageous officers who have stood up to Cheney in trying to prevent wider war and catastrophe in the Middle East? Scott McClellan has been quite clear in reminding us that once the president decided to invade Iraq, he was not going to let anything stop him. There is ample evidence that Bush has taken a similar decision with respect to Iran – with Olmert as his chief counsel, no less.

What would Washington and Jefferson say if they learned about secretly removing a citizen of a foreign nation to a nation bereft of constitutional safeguards and interrogating ruthlessly without any specified time frame?

What about snooping through libraries to determine what people have been reading without any warrant or explanation why such information is being gathered?

How about refusing to allow terrorist suspects right to counsel and indefinitely torturing them, including waterboarding?

Rep. Kucinich: This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Rather than admit a grave mistake and risk the possibility of exposure, Bush/Cheney and the Bush administration chose to keep an innocent man imprisoned, indefinitely. Any other time, any other place, emphasis here; any other administration and this would certainly be considered a crime against humanity. As such it would be tried and prosecuted, but Pelosi says “IMPEACHMENT is off the table”!!! It seems to me that when a Representative of the U.S. Government does not honor their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, then that person is also subject to IMPEACHMENT!

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare — almost pridefully — that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

Velvel said past practice has been to allow U.S. officials responsible for war crimes in Viet Nam and elsewhere to enjoy immunity from prosecution upon leaving office. “President Johnson retired to his Texas ranch and his Defense Secretary Robert McNamara was named to head the World Bank; Richard Nixon retired to San Clemente and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was allowed to grow richer and richer,” Velvel said.

He noted in the years since the prosecution and punishment of German and Japanese leaders after World War Two those nation’s leaders changed their countries’ aggressor cultures. One cannot discount contributory cause and effect here, he said.

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

Upon hearing the 35 pages of crimes committed by Bush, Pelosi and Reid fell into hysterical laughter at the prospect that any Congressman or Senator would pretend to do their jobs. Issuing a joint statement in response to Kucinich, they said, “What does he think this Congress is going to do, work? Fulfill the will of the people? He has lost site of our real purpose as leaders. Our job is not to conduct oversight on illegal presidential acts. It is not our position to investigate these truths. We will let history judge the president and us. We can’t waste time on matters of importance.” Pelosi then excused herself

saying she had more pressing issues such as “naming new Post Offices” to deal with.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The more Bush’s dirty laundry is aired for all to see, the worse John McCain will do in November. The fact that John McCain supported the very things Bush could be impeached for should tell Democrats that going forward against Bush is great strategy.

The alternative is to give Bush, Cheney and others in their administration a pass — a “get out of jail free” card. If we were to issue that now, regardless of what they might do in the seven months they still have in office, they’d have free rein to operate outside the law.

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

Polls indicate that at least 40% of the American public supports an investigation into the possible impeachment of George W. Bush.

In 1998 a little more than 20% of the public supported impeaching president Clinton.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

The limitation of the period of his service, was not a sufficient securityHe might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression.” — James Madison

“There’s a way to bring an end to those practices, you know: vote the bums out… That’s how our system is designed.” — Barack Obama

That’s not how our system is designed.

The promise of another election was not enough to stop an Executive from abusing power in James Madison’s opinion but unfortunately, the Democratic candidate for president, much of the Democratic Party, and its constituents find the promise to be enough. And incidentally, it has never been enough.

“The system should be designed so that the two parties are so similar the people can ‘throw the bums out’ at anytime, without a substantial change in policy.” — Carrol Quigley

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-23 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,757 – (13) – (1,131)

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 16

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 14 – 2008-06-23

ADVOCATE: Big Oil gains

OEN: Growing Right-Wing Chorus Backs Impeachment. When Will Pelosi?

BUZZFLASH: Barbara’s Daily BuzzFlash Minute

OEN: An Historic Moment Gone Unnoticed

ADS: The Battle Of Today Is Not For Today Alone

ADS: HEALTH ADVISORY: Invasion of the Impeachophobes

Day 13 – 2008-06-22

THEUNION: The value of the impeachment process

OEN: If The Opposite of Pro Is Con, Then The Opposite of Progress…

BILLINGS-GAZETTE: Impeachment articles exist to be used

OEN: Open Discussion Thread: Why do You think that Impeachment is a No-Go?

FASTCOMPANY: A reply letter to Florida Senator Bill Nelson

GATHER: Wexler to hold Town Hall Meeting

NUKESYLO13: Bush/Cheney in New England: “Arrest On Sight!”

RAWSTORY: McGovern: Iran attack coming soon

Day 12 – 2008-06-21

RAWSTORY: Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony (video)

BUSINESS-AND-MEDIA: Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

ADS: Lou Dobbs finds his reason to impeach Bush… food safety (video)

ADS: Major General Taguba’s Comments Add Weight to Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment

ADS: White House Refuses Another Subpoena

ADS: At Congressional Hearing, Conyers Talks About ‘Impeachable Offense’

SCOOP: Kucinich: Impeachment Not “Off the Table”

THE-FREE-PRESS: Support Dennis Kucinich

OEN: Impeach, Convict, Imprison, Sue

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein’s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

SALEM-NEWS: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CBSNEWS: McClellan: “White House Has Chosen To Conceal” Plame Details

ALTERNET: Scott McClellan Lays out a Damning Case Against Bush’s White House (video)

THE-REAL-NEWS: McClellan, impeachment and Congress (video)

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: “The current administration has committed war crimes” and needs to “be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

OEN: Congress Worse Than Bush & Company

INTERNATIONAL-NEWS: Movement is underway to impeach US President George W. Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing ” the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

ADS: Bush”s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush

DKOS: Daily Kos

Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

The Owners of this Country

ImpeachmentWatch Day 13 (2008-06-22) – Sunday Funnies

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 13 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

Impeachment Video of the Day

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable is about dwelling on the past.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

What would Washington and Jefferson say if they learned about secretly removing a citizen of a foreign nation to a nation bereft of constitutional safeguards and interrogating ruthlessly without any specified time frame?

What about snooping through libraries to determine what people have been reading without any warrant or explanation why such information is being gathered?

How about refusing to allow terrorist suspects right to counsel and indefinitely torturing them, including waterboarding?

Rep. Kucinich: This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Disclosing their crimes, taking away their ability to carry out further mischief, taking away their base of power, and imprisoning them is the way to protect ourselves.

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare — almost pridefully — that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

Velvel said past practice has been to allow U.S. officials responsible for war crimes in Viet Nam and elsewhere to enjoy immunity from prosecution upon leaving office. “President Johnson retired to his Texas ranch and his Defense Secretary Robert McNamara was named to head the World Bank; Richard Nixon retired to San Clemente and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was allowed to grow richer and richer,” Velvel said.

He noted in the years since the prosecution and punishment of German and Japanese leaders after World War Two those nation’s leaders changed their countries’ aggressor cultures. One cannot discount contributory cause and effect here, he said.

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

Upon hearing the 35 pages of crimes committed by Bush, Pelosi and Reid fell into hysterical laughter at the prospect that any Congressman or Senator would pretend to do their jobs. Issuing a joint statement in response to Kucinich, they said, “What does he think this Congress is going to do, work? Fulfill the will of the people? He has lost site of our real purpose as leaders. Our job is not to conduct oversight on illegal presidential acts. It is not our position to investigate these truths. We will let history judge the president and us. We can’t waste time on matters of importance.” Pelosi then excused herself

saying she had more pressing issues such as “naming new Post Offices” to deal with.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The more Bush’s dirty laundry is aired for all to see, the worse John McCain will do in November. The fact that John McCain supported the very things Bush could be impeached for should tell Democrats that going forward against Bush is great strategy.

The alternative is to give Bush, Cheney and others in their administration a pass — a “get out of jail free” card. If we were to issue that now, regardless of what they might do in the seven months they still have in office, they’d have free rein to operate outside the law.

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

The limitation of the period of his service, was not a sufficient securityHe might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression.” — James Madison

“There’s a way to bring an end to those practices, you know: vote the bums out… That’s how our system is designed.” — Barack Obama

That’s not how our system is designed.

The promise of another election was not enough to stop an Executive from abusing power in James Madison’s opinion but unfortunately, the Democratic candidate for president, much of the Democratic Party, and its constituents find the promise to be enough. And incidentally, it has never been enough.

“The system should be designed so that the two parties are so similar the people can ‘throw the bums out’ at anytime, without a substantial change in policy.” — Carrol Quigley

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-22 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,757 – (13) – (1,131)

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 17

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 13 – 2008-06-22

THEUNION: The value of the impeachment process

OEN: If The Opposite of Pro Is Con, Then The Opposite of Progress…

BILLINGS-GAZETTE: Impeachment articles exist to be used

OEN: Open Discussion Thread: Why do You think that Impeachment is a No-Go?

FASTCOMPANY: A reply letter to Florida Senator Bill Nelson

Day 12 – 2008-06-21

RAWSTORY: Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony (video)

BUSINESS-AND-MEDIA: Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

ADS: Lou Dobbs finds his reason to impeach Bush… food safety (video)

ADS: Major General Taguba’s Comments Add Weight to Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment

ADS: White House Refuses Another Subpoena

ADS: At Congressional Hearing, Conyers Talks About ‘Impeachable Offense’

SCOOP: Kucinich: Impeachment Not “Off the Table”

THE-FREE-PRESS: Support Dennis Kucinich

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein”s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

SALEM-NEWS: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CBSNEWS: McClellan: “White House Has Chosen To Conceal” Plame Details

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: “The current administration has committed war crimes” and needs to “be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

OEN: Congress Worse Than Bush & Company

INTERNATIONAL-NEWS: Movement is underway to impeach US President George W. Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing ” the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

ADS: Bush”s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush

DKOS: Daily Kos

Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

Today’s comics provided by Sinfest, one of my favorite webcomics.  Please be sure to check them out.  Here are a few Sunday strips that I wanted to feature here, but they were just too large:

2008-01-06 – War is Peace, I know cause the TV tells me

2008-01-20 – Universal Problems

Impeach Bush!!! (song)

ImpeachmentWatch 2008-06-21

banned from Daily Kos

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 12 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

Washington, DC (June 21, 2008) Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) released the following statement regarding Major General Taguba’s comments on the committal of war crimes by the Bush Administration.

“Major General Taguba’s comments confirm my long standing assertion that President Bush and Vice President Cheney have committed war crimes in violation of the War Crimes Act, Section 18 of U.S.Code § 2441. Commission of war crimes is an impeachable offense,” Kucinich said.

“Having led the Army’s investigation at Abu Ghraib, General Taguba is an authoritative voice on the Administration’s rogue policies and systematic use of torture. His words remind us once again why Congress must act to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney,” said Kucinich.

“The Administration can deny the use of torture all they want but the truth is clear and no amount of lying can cover it up.”

Impeachment Video of the Day

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable is being led by someone that people like to make fun of.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

What would Washington and Jefferson say if they learned about secretly removing a citizen of a foreign nation to a nation bereft of constitutional safeguards and interrogating ruthlessly without any specified time frame?

What about snooping through libraries to determine what people have been reading without any warrant or explanation why such information is being gathered?

How about refusing to allow terrorist suspects right to counsel and indefinitely torturing them, including waterboarding?

Rep. Kucinich: This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Disclosing their crimes, taking away their ability to carry out further mischief, taking away their base of power, and imprisoning them is the way to protect ourselves.

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare — almost pridefully — that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

Velvel said past practice has been to allow U.S. officials responsible for war crimes in Viet Nam and elsewhere to enjoy immunity from prosecution upon leaving office. “President Johnson retired to his Texas ranch and his Defense Secretary Robert McNamara was named to head the World Bank; Richard Nixon retired to San Clemente and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was allowed to grow richer and richer,” Velvel said.

He noted in the years since the prosecution and punishment of German and Japanese leaders after World War Two those nation’s leaders changed their countries’ aggressor cultures. One cannot discount contributory cause and effect here, he said.

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

Upon hearing the 35 pages of crimes committed by Bush, Pelosi and Reid fell into hysterical laughter at the prospect that any Congressman or Senator would pretend to do their jobs. Issuing a joint statement in response to Kucinich, they said, “What does he think this Congress is going to do, work? Fulfill the will of the people? He has lost site of our real purpose as leaders. Our job is not to conduct oversight on illegal presidential acts. It is not our position to investigate these truths. We will let history judge the president and us. We can’t waste time on matters of importance.” Pelosi then excused herself

saying she had more pressing issues such as “naming new Post Offices” to deal with.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The more Bush’s dirty laundry is aired for all to see, the worse John McCain will do in November. The fact that John McCain supported the very things Bush could be impeached for should tell Democrats that going forward against Bush is great strategy.

The alternative is to give Bush, Cheney and others in their administration a pass — a “get out of jail free” card. If we were to issue that now, regardless of what they might do in the seven months they still have in office, they’d have free rein to operate outside the law.

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

The limitation of the period of his service, was not a sufficient securityHe might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression.” — James Madison

“There’s a way to bring an end to those practices, you know: vote the bums out… That’s how our system is designed.” — Barack Obama

That’s not how our system is designed.

The promise of another election was not enough to stop an Executive from abusing power in James Madison’s opinion but unfortunately, the Democratic candidate for president, much of the Democratic Party, and its constituents find the promise to be enough. And incidentally, it has never been enough.

“The system should be designed so that the two parties are so similar the people can ‘throw the bums out’ at anytime, without a substantial change in policy.” — Carrol Quigley

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-21 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,757 – (13) – (1,131)

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 18

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 12 – 2008-06-21

RAWSTORY: Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony (video)

BUSINESS-AND-MEDIA: Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

ADS: Lou Dobbs finds his reason to impeach Bush… food safety (video)

ADS: Major General Taguba’s Comments Add Weight to Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment

ADS: White House Refuses Another Subpoena

ADS: At Congressional Hearing, Conyers Talks About ‘Impeachable Offense’

SCOOP: Kucinich: Impeachment Not “Off the Table”

THE-FREE-PRESS: Support Dennis Kucinich

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein”s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

SALEM-NEWS: Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide

CBSNEWS: McClellan: “White House Has Chosen To Conceal” Plame Details

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: “The current administration has committed war crimes” and needs to “be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

OEN: Congress Worse Than Bush & Company

INTERNATIONAL-NEWS: Movement is underway to impeach US President George W. Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing ” the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn”t act

ADS: Bush”s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush

DKOS: Daily Kos

Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

Wexler Questions McClellan in House Judiciary Committee


ImpeachmentWatch Day 11 (2008-06-20)

banned from Daily Kos

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 11 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

This confrontation of clashing interests is shocking to many people.  They can’t believe what they’re seeing.  They can’t believe that the Bush Regime, despite all of it’s grotesque crimes, is still being shielded.  As a result millions of Americans are vacillating between fury and despair.  Most of the people who despise this regime, think that Bush supporters outnumber them.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The fact that we have a large majority on our side needs to be made known in an unmistakable, indelible, undeniable way, felt and seen by everybody in their everyday lives.

Declare It Now! is designed to make the widespread invisible sentiment against the Bush Administration visible so that it can become a powerful irresistible irrepressible force.  We need to feel our collective power.  If only a fraction of the 70% who want Bush and Cheney gone were to Wear Orange every Friday, a ribbon, an armband, a t-shirt and so on, we’d have millions.  These millions would be seen by tens of millions of others and can inspire bursts of Orange all over the country.

Wear Orange in the streets, on the bus, in the park, at the workplace, in the schools, in the malls, at the Farmer’s Market, sporting events, everywhere we go.

— Dennis Loo, PhD

Impeachment Video of the Day


Support Impeachment.  Support the RULE OF LAW.  Wear Orange Every Friday!

Two New Co-Sponsors: Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] (2008-06-18)

Impeachment Video of the Day

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable is being led by someone that people like to make fun of.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. 0We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

What would Washington and Jefferson say if they learned about secretly removing a citizen of a foreign nation to a nation bereft of constitutional safeguards and interrogating ruthlessly without any specified time frame?

What about snooping through libraries to determine what people have been reading without any warrant or explanation why such information is being gathered?

How about refusing to allow terrorist suspects right to counsel and indefinitely torturing them, including waterboarding?

Rep. Kucinich: This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Disclosing their crimes, taking away their ability to carry out further mischief, taking away their base of power, and imprisoning them is the way to protect ourselves.

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare – almost pridefully – that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

“This is not intended to be a mere discussion of violations of law that have occurred,” said convener Lawrence Velvel, dean and cofounder of the school. “It is, rather, intended to be a planning conference at which plans will be laid and necessary organizational structures set up, to pursue the guilty as long as necessary and, if need be, to the ends of the Earth.”

“We must try to hold Bush administration leaders accountable in courts of justice,” Velvel said. “And we must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top German and Japanese war-criminals in the 1940s.”

Velvel said past practice has been to allow U.S. officials responsible for war crimes in Viet Nam and elsewhere to enjoy immunity from prosecution upon leaving office. “President Johnson retired to his Texas ranch and his Defense Secretary Robert McNamara was named to head the World Bank; Richard Nixon retired to San Clemente and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was allowed to grow richer and richer,” Velvel said.

He noted in the years since the prosecution and punishment of German and Japanese leaders after World War Two those nation’s leaders changed their countries’ aggressor cultures. One cannot discount contributory cause and effect here, he said.

“For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders,” Velvel said.

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

Upon hearing the 35 pages of crimes committed by Bush, Pelosi and Reid fell into hysterical laughter at the prospect that any Congressman or Senator would pretend to do their jobs. Issuing a joint statement in response to Kucinich, they said, “What does he think this Congress is going to do, work? Fulfill the will of the people? He has lost site of our real purpose as leaders. Our job is not to conduct oversight on illegal presidential acts. It is not our position to investigate these truths. We will let history judge the president and us. We can’t waste time on matters of importance.” Pelosi then excused herself

saying she had more pressing issues such as “naming new Post Offices” to deal with.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The more Bush’s dirty laundry is aired for all to see, the worse John McCain will do in November. The fact that John McCain supported the very things Bush could be impeached for should tell Democrats that going forward against Bush is great strategy.

The alternative is to give Bush, Cheney and others in their administration a pass — a “get out of jail free” card. If we were to issue that now, regardless of what they might do in the seven months they still have in office, they’d have free rein to operate outside the law.

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment.

The limitation of the period of his service, was not a sufficient securityHe might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression.– James Madison

“There’s a way to bring an end to those practices, you know: vote the bums out… That’s how our system is designed.” – Barack Obama,

That’s not how our system is designed.

The promise of another election was not enough to stop an Executive from abusing power in James Madison’s opinion but unfortunately, the Democratic candidate for president, much of the Democratic Party, and its constituents find the promise to be enough. And incidentally, it has never been enough.

“The system should be designed so that the two parties are so similar the people can ‘throw the bums out’ at anytime, without a substantial change in policy.” — Carrol Quigley

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-20 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,769

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 19

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 11 – 2008-06-20

ADS: McClellan and Impeachment (video)

SELF-RELIANCE: Dianne Feinstein’s Answer to Impeachment

LANCASTER-EAGLE-GAZETTE: Ohioan, patriot delivers articles of impeachment

EVERYTHING-JERSEY: Open impeachment hearings

OREGONIAN: A vote for impeachment

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: ‘The current administration has committed war crimes’ and needs to ‘be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

SMIRKINGCHIMP: What Does Treason Have to do with Impeachment?

ADS: Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics

OEN: Force Impeachment – Hit The Streets

GLOBALRESEARCH: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn’t act

YOUR-THREE-CENTS: Kucinich to call for 60 ARTICLES of Impeachment

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing – the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn’t act

ADS: Bush’s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

BANGKOKPOST: Whither American accountability? Go after Bush Jr.

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

DKOS: Rebutting propaganda @ Dennis’s Articles of Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush

DKOS: Daily Kos

Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

– Wear Orange Every Friday! (and ask your friends and family to wear orange)

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent bloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

Dennis Loo PhD – Declare It Now – Wear Orange Every Friday

ImpeachmentWatch Day 10 (2008-06-19)

banned from Daily Kos

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 10 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

Kucinich tells us he’s giving the House Judiciary Committee 30 days to act on his resolution proposing 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush or else he’ll raise even more hell on the House floor. Thirty-five articles was just the tip of the iceberg. If Judiciary does nothing, he’ll go back to the House floor next month armed with nearly twice as many articles.

“The minute the leadership said ‘this is dead on arrival’ I said that I hope they believe in life after death; because I’m coming back with it,” Kucinich vowed in an interview with the Sleuth this week. “It’s not gonna die. Because I’ll come back with more articles. Not 35, but perhaps 60 articles.”

Two New Co-Sponsors: Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] (2008-06-18)

Impeachment Video of the Day

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable won’t get enough Republican supporters.

My problem with the “not the right time” argument is that it has been used for too long to give our leaders of today a free pass while passing the buck on to our leaders of tomorrow. 0We are expected to have blind faith that the Democrats, once elected, will take on the important issues. But there is always an upcoming election. There are always public opinion concerns. There will always be a better time.

Rep. Kucinich: I think that this resolution is seen as an opportunity for a re-establishment of the imbalance of power which has happened over the last six years in this country since 9-11, where the President, through deception, has seized enormous amounts of power and has diminished the role of the legislative branch through deception. This gives Congress an opportunity to re-establish itself as a co-equal branch of government, providing an effective check and balance to executive abuse of power. This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Impeaching, removing and convicting these guys is the safest approach. Covering up their crimes – which Congress is currently doing – is like telling a terrorist that we won’t spill the beans on his last terrorist attack if he doesn’t blow us up . . . an approach which will backfire and lead to more terrorism.

Disclosing their crimes, taking away their ability to carry out further mischief, taking away their base of power, and imprisoning them is the way to protect ourselves.

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare – almost pridefully – that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

“We have seen in this very election cycle how the mobilized masses, with Black America as their indispensable animating force, can ‘flip the script’ on the Powers That Be,” wrote Ms. McKinney, who stressed the timeliness of action pointing out that the Administration’s crimes are ongoing. “The time is now for us to do it again.”

Upon hearing the 35 pages of crimes committed by Bush, Pelosi and Reid fell into hysterical laughter at the prospect that any Congressman or Senator would pretend to do their jobs. Issuing a joint statement in response to Kucinich, they said, “What does he think this Congress is going to do, work? Fulfill the will of the people? He has lost site of our real purpose as leaders. Our job is not to conduct oversight on illegal presidential acts. It is not our position to investigate these truths. We will let history judge the president and us. We can’t waste time on matters of importance.” Pelosi then excused herself

saying she had more pressing issues such as “naming new Post Offices” to deal with.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The more Bush’s dirty laundry is aired for all to see, the worse John McCain will do in November. The fact that John McCain supported the very things Bush could be impeached for should tell Democrats that going forward against Bush is great strategy.

The alternative is to give Bush, Cheney and others in their administration a pass — a “get out of jail free” card. If we were to issue that now, regardless of what they might do in the seven months they still have in office, they’d have free rein to operate outside the law.

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment. Make it clear that if he does not do so, right now, that they will publicly withdraw support from Senator Obama and publicly support Cynthia McKinney and/or Ralph Nader. We need to make the same case for every politician running: that if they do not support Kucinich that we will publicly not support them and will indeed support any Independent that runs against them, now and in the future.

The limitation of the period of his service, was not a sufficient security…He might lose his capacity after his appointment. He might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression. He might betray his trust to foreign powers…In the case of the Executive Magistracy which was to be administered by a single man, loss of capacity or corruption was more within the compass of probable events, and either of them might be fatal to the Republic.” – James Madison, July 20, 1787, at the Constitutional Convention which made provision for impeachment

“There’s a way to bring an end to those practices, you know: vote the bums out…That’s how our system is designed.” – Barack Obama, June 28, 2007, on impeachment

That’s not how our system is designed.

The promise of another election was not enough to stop an Executive from abusing power in James Madison’s opinion but unfortunately, the Democratic candidate for president, much of the Democratic Party, and its constituents find the promise to be enough. And incidentally, it has never been enough.

“The system should be designed so that the two parties are so similar the people can ‘throw the bums out’ at anytime, without a substantial change in policy.” — Carrol Quigley

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-19 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,179 – (38)

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 20

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9], Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22], Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 10 – 2008-06-19

ADS: Obama Commits to Halting Some of Bush’s Crimes If Elected, Even While Refusing to Acknowledge That They Are Prosecutable

WAPO: Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way (video)

TIMESARGUS: Push Congress on impeachment

CONSORTIUM: Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

THINKPROGRESS: Taguba: ‘The current administration has committed war crimes’ and needs to ‘be held to account.’

TIMES-HERALD: Where’s impeachment news?

OEN: We the People on the eve of Countdown to impeachment

TIMES-STANDARD: Impeachment is still on the table

NEWS-LEADER: Bush has bent American system

GJ-FREE-PRESS: Where are the Democrats?

ARGUS-LEADER: Discover truth about Bush

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing – the wrong thing?

RAWSTORY: Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn’t act

ADS: Bush’s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ADS: General Accuses WH of War Crimes

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

TMPCAFE: A Question to Democrats: If Not Now, When?

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush

DKOS: Daily Kos

Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Other Ways to Help

– Write a letter to your local newspaper in suppport of Impeachment.

– Write a letter to your Congressman supporting impeachment.

– Post stories about Impeachment on your blog and other political websites.

Don’t let the talk of Impeachment die.  Dennis will re-introduce in less than 20 days.  It’s up to us, the  independent  bbloggers of the internet to keep this story going.  The RULE OF LAW demands that we Impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed against the people of this country and the world.  We are the media now.  Stand up and help Rep. Kucinich.  Keep this story alive!

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

Kucinich Says He’ll Bring Impeachment Back to the Floor

ImpeachmentWatch Day 9 (2008-06-18)

banned from Daily Kos

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 9 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

The Nuremberg Trials were a series of trials most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military and economic leadership of Nazi Germany.

The indictments were for:
1. Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of crime against peace
2. Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace
3. War crimes
4. Crimes against humanity





Impeachment Video of the Day

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable isn’t realistic.

Rep. Kucinich: I think that this resolution is seen as an opportunity for a re-establishment of the imbalance of power which has happened over the last six years in this country since 9-11, where the President, through deception, has seized enormous amounts of power and has diminished the role of the legislative branch through deception. This gives Congress an opportunity to re-establish itself as a co-equal branch of government, providing an effective check and balance to executive abuse of power. This is what the founders anticipated in putting in the Constitution, in seven different places, the impeachment power and in making the House the sole guardian of that power. And so this is really an attempt to re-establish democratic governance, have the principle of accountability and the rule of law made central again to our public affairs and to take America, return America to a condition of true democracy.

Impeaching, removing and convicting these guys is the safest approach. Covering up their crimes – which Congress is currently doing – is like telling a terrorist that we won’t spill the beans on his last terrorist attack if he doesn’t blow us up . . . an approach which will backfire and lead to more terrorism.

Disclosing their crimes, taking away their ability to carry out further mischief, taking away their base of power, and imprisoning them is the way to protect ourselves.

But no one did. Even when Democrats retook the House and Senate, the first thing they did was declare – almost pridefully – that “impeachment was off the table.” It was like a fire chief announcing that “response to house fires is off the table,” or a district attorney declaring that “rape prosecutions are off the table.”

Rep. Wexler: It is a dark day when the Sun-Sentinel has the gall to tell the parents of the soldiers who have died in Iraq that pursuing consequences for those who prosecuted this war of choice based on outright deception is not a “real” issue that Congress should address.

Chairman? Chairman Conyers? You can stop cowering now. It’s safe to come out from under the table. Sure, there were a few grumpy and screaming voices out there, but mostly there was silence. The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

“We have seen in this very election cycle how the mobilized masses, with Black America as their indispensable animating force, can ‘flip the script’ on the Powers That Be,” wrote Ms. McKinney, who stressed the timeliness of action pointing out that the Administration’s crimes are ongoing. “The time is now for us to do it again.”

Upon hearing the 35 pages of crimes committed by Bush, Pelosi and Reid fell into hysterical laughter at the prospect that any Congressman or Senator would pretend to do their jobs. Issuing a joint statement in response to Kucinich, they said, “What does he think this Congress is going to do, work? Fulfill the will of the people? He has lost site of our real purpose as leaders. Our job is not to conduct oversight on illegal presidential acts. It is not our position to investigate these truths. We will let history judge the president and us. We can’t waste time on matters of importance.” Pelosi then excused herself

saying she had more pressing issues such as “naming new Post Offices” to deal with.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The alternative is to give Bush, Cheney and others in their administration a pass — a “get out of jail free” card. If we were to issue that now, regardless of what they might do in the seven months they still have in office, they’d have free rein to operate outside the law.

Kucinich read his articles on June 10. The next day, I received a call from a reader baffled why there was nothing in the paper about it. The wire services barely bothered with it. The media considers it a nonissue and so does the House.

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny.

Rep. Kucinich: “If we wait, we’re licensing further abuses of power. There’s been broad concern that this administration could attack Iran. Why should we give them the opening to do so by failing to challenge the lies that they told that took us into war with Iraq?” he asked. “We cannot wait for after the election. We don’t know what could happen in the next six months with respect to a further erosion of our democratic process. And what the impeachment process would do would be to have a chilling effect on further abuses of the Constitution and on creating another war.”

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment. Make it clear that if he does not do so, right now, that they will publicly withdraw support from Senator Obama and publicly support Cynthia McKinney and/or Ralph Nader. We need to make the same case for every politician running: that if they do not support Kucinich that we will publicly not support them and will indeed support any Independent that runs against them, now and in the future.

The more Bush’s dirty laundry is aired for all to see, the worse John McCain will do in November. The fact that John McCain supported the very things Bush could be impeached for should tell Democrats that going forward against Bush is great strategy.

The limitation of the period of his service, was not a sufficient security…He might lose his capacity after his appointment. He might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression. He might betray his trust to foreign powers…In the case of the Executive Magistracy which was to be administered by a single man, loss of capacity or corruption was more within the compass of probable events, and either of them might be fatal to the Republic.” – James Madison, July 20, 1787, at the Constitutional Convention which made provision for impeachment

   “There’s a way to bring an end to those practices, you know: vote the bums out…That’s how our system is designed.” – Barack Obama, June 28, 2007, on impeachment

That’s not how our system is designed.

The promise of another election was not enough to stop an Executive from abusing power in James Madison’s opinion but unfortunately, the Democratic candidate for president, much of the Democratic Party, and its constituents find the promise to be enough. And incidentally, it has never been enough.

“The system should be designed so that the two parties are so similar the people can ‘throw the bums out’ at anytime, without a substantial change in policy.” — Carrol Quigley

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-18 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,277 – (29)

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 21

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 9 – 2008-06-18

ADS: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, Considers Bush’s Crimes Relatively Unimportant, Opposes Impeachment

OEN: Support Rep. Kucinich’s and the Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Cynthia McKinney’s Call to Action in Support of Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment Against Bush

BLACKAGENDAREPORT: Freedom Rider: 35 Crimes

ATLANTICFREEPRESS: When is doing the right thing – the wrong thing?

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


ADS: Impeachment on MTV

ADS: Bush Greeted With Cries for Impeachment in Rome, Italy

CONSORTIUMNEWS: Kucinich Comments on Impeachment

OEN: I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists

Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


STATESMANJOURNAL: The case for impeaching President Bush

Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush


DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

Cafferty File: It’s time to IMPEACH Bush and Cheney

ImpeachmentWatch Day 8 (2008-06-17)

banned from Daily Kos

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Welcome to Day 8 of ImpeachmentWatch™, your daily diary that tracks Impeachment, whether the Mainstream Media covers it or not.  

Impeachment Video of the Day
Bush & Cheney – Plenty Of Time!

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Recent Highlights

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because the attempt to hold him accountable means nothing unless you go after other people first.

Rep. Wexler: It is a dark day when the Sun-Sentinel has the gall to tell the parents of the soldiers who have died in Iraq that pursuing consequences for those who prosecuted this war of choice based on outright deception is not a “real” issue that Congress should address.

Chairman? Chairman Conyers? You can stop cowering now. It’s safe to come out from under the table. Sure, there were a few grumpy and screaming voices out there, but mostly there was silence. The corporate media does not want to take on this issue and will not be able to handle its actual existence the way it handles the threat of impeachment proceedings. If impeachment hearings get underway, the corporate media will have to deal with the substance of the charges. It will be impossible to simply avoid the matter or treat it dismissively. You know the substance of the charges as well as anyone, but apparently you have not considered what all that information could accomplish.

The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment. The notices are rolling into my computer faster than I can open them, sign them and send them out to friends or family. That’s called activism, pushing back against this destructive force called Bush.

“We have seen in this very election cycle how the mobilized masses, with Black America as their indispensable animating force, can ‘flip the script’ on the Powers That Be,” wrote Ms. McKinney, who stressed the timeliness of action pointing out that the Administration’s crimes are ongoing. “The time is now for us to do it again.”

Upon hearing the 35 pages of crimes committed by Bush, Pelosi and Reid fell into hysterical laughter at the prospect that any Congressman or Senator would pretend to do their jobs. Issuing a joint statement in response to Kucinich, they said, “What does he think this Congress is going to do, work? Fulfill the will of the people? He has lost site of our real purpose as leaders. Our job is not to conduct oversight on illegal presidential acts. It is not our position to investigate these truths. We will let history judge the president and us. We can’t waste time on matters of importance.” Pelosi then excused herself

saying she had more pressing issues such as “naming new Post Offices” to deal with.

I think, perhaps, we are focusing on issues of impeachment through the wrong end of the telescope. We keep asking: how might this, potentially, negatively affect our Dems in the coming election cycle. Maybe we should turn the telescope around, for a wide-angle perspective, and ask: how might impeachment negatively affect every Republican running for office in the upcoming election?

The alternative is to give Bush, Cheney and others in their administration a pass — a “get out of jail free” card. If we were to issue that now, regardless of what they might do in the seven months they still have in office, they’d have free rein to operate outside the law.

Kucinich read his articles on June 10. The next day, I received a call from a reader baffled why there was nothing in the paper about it. The wire services barely bothered with it. The media considers it a nonissue and so does the House.

The Speaker’s excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny, not just this President and Congress

An investigation to gather facts — which she opposes — is not the same as a decision to impeach. Pelosi cannot explain how she arrived at her conclusion: To not investigate, and without any review of evidence, trump the House.

Rep. Kucinich: “If we wait, we’re licensing further abuses of power. There’s been broad concern that this administration could attack Iran. Why should we give them the opening to do so by failing to challenge the lies that they told that took us into war with Iraq?” he asked. “We cannot wait for after the election. We don’t know what could happen in the next six months with respect to a further erosion of our democratic process. And what the impeachment process would do would be to have a chilling effect on further abuses of the Constitution and on creating another war.”

For this blackout to be broken, Progressive Democrats of America, Move On and every other progressive group need to call for Senator Obama to publicly call for Impeachment. Make it clear that if he does not do so, right now, that they will publicly withdraw support from Senator Obama and publicly support Cynthia McKinney and/or Ralph Nader. We need to make the same case for every politician running: that if they do not support Kucinich that we will publicly not support them and will indeed support any Independent that runs against them, now and in the future.

The more Bush’s dirty laundry is aired for all to see, the worse John McCain will do in November. The fact that John McCain supported the very things Bush could be impeached for should tell Democrats that going forward against Bush is great strategy.

The limitation of the period of his service, was not a sufficient security…He might lose his capacity after his appointment. He might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression. He might betray his trust to foreign powers…In the case of the Executive Magistracy which was to be administered by a single man, loss of capacity or corruption was more within the compass of probable events, and either of them might be fatal to the Republic.” – James Madison, July 20, 1787, at the Constitutional Convention which made provision for impeachment

   “There’s a way to bring an end to those practices, you know: vote the bums out…That’s how our system is designed.” – Barack Obama, June 28, 2007, on impeachment

That’s not how our system is designed.

The promise of another election was not enough to stop an Executive from abusing power in James Madison’s opinion but unfortunately, the Democratic candidate for president, much of the Democratic Party, and its constituents find the promise to be enough. And incidentally, it has never been enough.

“The system should be designed so that the two parties are so similar the people can ‘throw the bums out’ at anytime, without a substantial change in policy.” — Carrol Quigley

Vital Links

Full Text of the Articles of Impeachment (PDF)

Full Text Version of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

List of the Articles of Impeachment (TXT)

Entire Kucinich Impeachment Video (complete) [thanks to cspanjunkie]

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

“Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for’. I agree with the second part” — Seven

Mainstream Story Counts

front pages as of 10:00 am PST – 2008-06-17 0 0 0

Google News: 0

Reuters: 0

AP: 0

Google News Search: Impeachment: 5,111 – (15)

Number of Days until Rep. Kucinich plans to re-introduce the 35 Articles of Impeachment: 22

Current Co-Sponsers: Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19], Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6], Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9]

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Daily Impeachment Tracker

Day 8 – 2008-06-17

ADS: Hastings Won’t Impeach for Known Impeachable Offenses, Klein Won’t Worry His Head Over Whether There Are Impeachable Offenses

ADS: Brattleboro Reformer Editorializes for Impeachment

ADS: McKinney Says People Must ‘Flip the Script” Again, Urges Mass Mobilization Supporting Impeachment

HERALDBULLETIN: Never too late to impeach


Day 7 – 2008-06-16

ADS: Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom

ADS: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorializes on Impeachment

ADS: Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity


ADS: Audio of Questioning of Senator Byron Dorgan About Impeachment (audio)

COURANT: Courant Quiet On Impeachment


ADS: Impeachment vs. ‘get out of jail free’ card for Bush, Cheney


Day 6 – 2008-06-15

ADS: Is Fascism an Impeachable Offense?

ADS: It’s Just Plame Impeachable

METROWEST: Greene: Clear reasons for impeachment

OEN: You Can’t Take a Poll to Decide if the Law Should Be Enforced

AZSTARNET: In support of the call for impeachment

GATHER: To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

Day 5 – 2008-06-14

WSWS: Kucinich, the Democrats and the impeachment of Bush

JAVNO: NO INVESTIGATION: Kucinich Impeachment Proposal Refused Due To Fear

IPP: Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment

OEN: Questions for Obama: WHERE do you stand on IMPEACHMENT?  Is it “Off the Table” for YOU too?

OEN: Going Out With A Bang

OEN: POLL: Is the news media doing it’s job?

OEN: Please write to Gwen Ifill: 35 Articles of Impeachment Censored

PEOPLES VOICE: ‘George W. Bush has gotten away with murder’

ADS: Cindy Sheehan: Why Not, Nancy?

ADS: U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler takes issue with editorial on impeachment


OEN: Followup Letter to Congress: Impeach

35 Reasons to Call (202) 225-5126

TMPCAFE: Your DA, State AG Must Prosecute This Sitting President

TMPCAFE: President Must Be Prosecuted For Directing Illegal FBI Information Warfare For Political Objectives

CELEBRITYSATIRE: Congress Responds to Kucinich Impeachment Bill (satire)

Day 4 – 2008-06-13

PROGRESSIVE: It’s Conyers’s Time to Act on Impeachment

DEMOCRACY NOW: Despite Opposition from His Own Party, Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (video/audio)

ADS: Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

ADS: Bush Tried to Destroy Medicare

PACKET: Bush actions merit impeachment

SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Why no coverage of impeachment debate?

DESERT SUN: The Bush administration: Is impeachment coming?

BUZZFLASH: Dennis Kucinich Says He’s Not Giving Up on Impeachment: Morality and the Law Require It.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR: Your letters: Time to Impeach

NEWS MINER: Impeachment is Extremely Significant

ONLINE JOURNAL: Kucinich vows new round of impeachment articles against Bush if measure dies

ONLINE JOURNAL: The blogs are alive with the sound of Impeachment!

TPMCAFE: House Must Preemptively Impeach Bush On Iran

DKOS: Instructions: How to make an Impeachment Pie

DKOS: Bush Impeachment Polls

TPMCAFE: Evidence Showing Pelosi Must Recuse Herself On Impeachment

Day 3 – 2008-06-12

STARTRIBUNE: Animals aloft are a sign that impeachment might fly

RAWSTORY: O’Reilly, Kucinich spar over impeachment, unite on gas prices (video)

ADS: Dennis Kucinich on the Urban Journal (audio)

ADS: Obama Must Learn From Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: Election Theft is Real

RAWSTORY: Cafferty: Why won’t Congress consider impeachment? (video)

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment Cosponsors Wanted!

ALTERNET: Kucinich’s Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush

DETROIT FREE PRESS: President’s misdeeds go on record

OEN: Has Kucinich Exposed the Dems Complicity?

TPMCAFE: President Must Be Impeached to Forever Deny Him Any Pardons

DKOS: The 35 Articles of Impeachment

SENTINAL: Why Impeachment Is Good Electoral Strategy

DKOS: TELL PELOSI: Bush impeachment polls as high as Nixon when he resigned

Day 2 – 2008-06-11

WAPO: Kucinich Vows to Keep Up Impeachment Fight

CNN: Kucinich effort to impeach Bush kicked into limbo

RAWSTORY: Kucinich: Judiciary Committee must begin review of impeachment articles

ADS: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Supports Effort to Impeach President Bush

BLOG: Americans Want Bush Impeached Far More Than They Ever Supported Clinton Impeachment

TRUTHDIG: Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: PETITION: Put Kucinich on Meet the Press

TMPCAFE: Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation

DKOS: My letter to Conyers addressing his “5 points against impeachment” – and how you can help

Day 1 – 2008-06-10


DKOS: I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because…

RAWSTORY: Mainstream media yawns as Kucinich offers impeachment

DEMOCRATS.COM: Impeachment: Where Olbermann, Turley, and Fineman Are Wrong

DEMOCRATS.COM: Full Text of Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: Wexler Co-Sponsors First Bush Articles of Impeachment

DKOS: The Purpose of Impeachment

DKOS: Why there is time and reason for impeachment of Bush

DKOS: Daily Kos

Poll: When will corporate media cover the impeachment hearings?

DKOS: Five reasons Impeachment is never too late

Day 0 – 2008-06-09

RAWSTORY: Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)


ALTERNET: Colbert says Impeach Bush now or you’re a bunch of pussies… (video)

MSNBC: Poll: Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment?89% YES, 700,218 votes

RAWSTORY: Murtha revises: Impeachment is ‘on the table’

ALTERNET: Why Is Impeachment Important? (video)

ALTERNET: George McGovern Calls for Bush and Cheney’s Impeachment

ALTERNET: Olbermann & Maddow: Why Are Democrats Afraid to Impeach Cheney? (video)

ALTERNET: Obama and Clinton believe accountability is “off the table.”

ADS: If the People Want Impeachment, Why Can’t it Happen?

TIMESNEWS: The President “serves at our pleasure” and I’m not pleased

DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND: International Justice: The World Has its Eye on George W. Bush

PBS: Moyers: Tough Talk on Impeachment (video)

How to Help

We need to put serious pressure on Conyers, Pelosi and the rest of the House Judiciary. FAX them. A fax, unlike a voicemail or an email, is a physical piece of paper that CANNOT BE IGNORED or easily deleted. Use FaxZero to send 2 free faxes everyday. [h/t Randgrithr]

Nancy Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Harry Reid: 202-224-7327

Jerrold Nadler: 202-225-6923

John Conyers: 202-225-0072

Sending them the List of the Articles of Impeachment might not be a bad idea.  Maybe they just haven’t had a chance to read the list yet. Or maybe they’d like the complete text.  

Be the change that you want to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi